Cluster(fuck) Meetings

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So cluster meetings are basically where all the schools in a specific district meet together to discuss bullshit.

They suck.

Plus they suck even more for us because they're aimed at public schools and if you're from a private school, you're basically shit in that meeting. No one gives a fuck about you.

Also, meetings are the one place teachers can physically reenact the way their kids behave in class. The facilitatir is like the teacher and the rest of us are the students. So you get the sleepers and the mindless whisperers and when she asks questions...

Nobody replies.

Then she's all "DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT'S A BASELINE ASSESSMENT?!!!" and we're all twiddling out thumbs because nobody actually cares...

Or "How can you not mark books. Don't think I don't know all your tricks. I know you all just... blah blah... whatever."

And then she said the word General questions and I wanted to cry.

Whoever invented bluetooth earphones- I LOVE YOU!

I don't have to listen to someone speak to me like I'm and illeterate 5 year old so... thank you!

There was this guy teacher from a school 2 minutes away from us. Kinda cute but I think he was fresh out of varsity. He came with his pullover and his coffee flask, ready with his black pen and taking notes...

Ya, bet when I see him next, he'll join the rest of us.

Absolute Rubbish, by MeWhere stories live. Discover now