In all technicalities, I am just a selfish wench

180 29 10

I hate sharing.

I do not like it. I don't like helping people with assignments or giving them the answers because I'm like "well, if I did it by myself, why can't you?"

I don't like helping people if theu can help themselves and I most certainly do not like making food for people if I don't want to. Like, do not tell me to make something exciting for someone AFTER I've made my own lunch.

And DO NOT take my food from my plate. Don't take a chip. Don't dip your stuff in my mayonnaise and do NOT ask me if I can take and you can just taste things from me.

I don't want to share it with you. Unless I love you a lot, and I offer first.

Do not ask me to share it with you. Ever.


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