Dreams are awesome

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Anyone who knows me knows that I am a MASSIVE science/research/biology fan.

Fuck the university for rejecting my application to study further but that's beside the point...

So I was taking a nap and in my dream I'm at the paystation and I forgot to take cash and I had to use my card (because this actually happened in the day and instead of using my card I withdrew money because there is no way in hell that I will put my card into a damned paystation).

Whatever, getting off track.

Anyway, in my dream, I put in my card and I know that it's telling me to add my pin but I can't actually make out the words and I'm squinting and like REALLY trying but I can't do it. So I enter in my pin but it's really difficult because I can't really see the numbers but I know their placement and then I wake up and my head feels super sore but then it gets me thinking.

Do we read in our dreams? Like it feels like when you need to run really fast but you can't or you punch someone in your dream and it just seems so difficult as if you're punching them underwater...

It is very, very difficult to read I a dream because your brain function in a different part as you're dreaming compared to when you're reading. That part of your brain is essentially shut off as you dream and I am so wowed by this.

Not even kidding.

Dreams fascinate me! I absolute love learning about the science and the mechanics behind dreams because it is so vast.

Okay, science lecture over.


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