So, I turned 27 yesterday

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For the past 3 or so months... maybe 6 months, I've just been telling people that I am 27. That is not the truth.

I only turned 27 yesterday actually.

So yay! A whole year older!

Look at my birthday cards! 😀 (up there)

I know I complain about my kids but look it.

It's so cute.
I walked into my form class and they SCREAMED happy birthday to me. The whooole song which in turn caught the class next door's attention and then they were like "How old are you now. How old are you now?" So I said 50.

My poor kids almost did clap 50 times for me. I felt bad so I stopped them at 27. Then this kid is like "Miss, my dad said you should never ask a woman her age after 20."
Valid point, my boy.

But why? Like, it's just an age. You can't stay young forever. I don't really mind being 27, to be honest

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