Favourite kissing scene!

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So I can't remember if I've done this before but anyway...

So the other day, I was sucked down the youtube vacuum of neverending doom and I sat for almost half an hour watching top... however many.... kissing scenes of a times.

My favourite movie kissing scenes are probably from
-The Notebook.
-A walk to remember
-Sundays at Tiffanys (I LOVE THIS MOVIE)
-When Luke kisses Lorelai for the first time in Gilmore Girls
-When Lydia kissed Stiles in Teen wolf when he was having a panic attack
-When Stiles kissed Malia just before the nokitsune took over him
-Oh oh! Rory and Logan's first kiss

Okay ya...

And well favourite book kiss. That's a difficult one.

My favourite scenes came from
Harvesting the heart
Second glance
Angel Creek

Ya, I'm leaving it there or my list will never ever end

And and my favourite kisses from my books would be-

-When Hoori kisses Mika after... someone dies (no spoiler)
-When Mika kisses Hoori after he catches Ihsaan with the skinny twit
-When Riaz and Tasneem kiss for the first time in front of the mirror
-When Tasneem kisses Riaz after he talks to his granny
-When Yaaseen kisses Layla after he tells her he loves her
Summayah and Yusuf's first kiss

But my ABSOLUTE favourite will always, always be

Riyaadh and Saudah's first kiss!

So, what's your favourite kissing scenes?

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