Chapter 1 - First Day Back!

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Maya's pov

I am going t college today and honestly, I am excited. Yeah, that is very weird to say, no one is excited to go back to education but I am very excited because I get to see all of my friends. I didn't see them because we all went on holiday with our families to different parts of the world, so we didn't see each other much. We only had 1 week at the start of the summer to do what we wanted to do before we went on holiday. But I am glad to be back and seeing them.

I was in my room trying to figure out what to wear when I heard a big bang from outside my house. I fell over. I then picked myself up and then went to look out my window to see what the noise was. I saw that a rubbish collectors truck fell over. I don't even know how it fell over but it fell over to the side of the road, luckily there was no cars on that side, otherwise there would be one big argument.

So, after all that, I continued to get ready. But, somehow, I couldn't get my left eyeliner wing perfect. I must have done it 10 times but then a miracle must have happened on the 11th time as I got it to match perfectly. I finished my eyeliner and then I went downstairs where my family were in the kitchen, they are eating breakfast, I saw my brother eating his breakfast in the front room, I know that he doesn't like being disturbed, so I didn't disturb him. I went into the kitchen to see my mom, dad and grandmother. So, I went over to see them and hugged them all. But I looked over to my grandmother and saw that she was or even looked upset. So, I went over to her and hugged her from behind. That made her jump but in a good way.

'Good morning darling, how are you?' Grandma said. I smiled at her.

'Morning, yeah I am good. But grandma, you tell me this, what's the matter with you?' I asked.

'That's good. What do you mean? Nothing is wrong with me. Why do you ask that?' Grandma replied.

'Oh, well, when I walked in, you seemed to be in your own world and seemed upset. So, I thought I'd ask.' I said.

'Well, you don't worry dear. I am fine.' Grandma said. I went to make myself some breakfast. I got my hands on the bread and made some toast. I poured myself some orange juice whilst the toaster is toasting my bread. When my toast was done, I took the toast out, put some butter on it and then went to sit with my brother.

'Hey, Maya, how are you?' Josh asked.

'I'm good, you?' I say.

'Yeah, I am good. What's your plan for today?' Josh added.

'Nothing, just going back to college today. It's the first day back today! I replied.' He smiled at me and then he continued to eat. He is also watching t.v. the news is on. I finished my breakfast and took my plate to the kitchen. I went up to my room to get my bag and then I went back down and said goodbye to my family. I walked out of my house. I saw my friends in the car, so I went straight out to them.

I have a great bunch of friends. In my friend group there is Sophie, Beth, Ashleigh, Kayden, Jordan, and Oscar. Cameron is my boyfriend is included in my friend group as he is the same age as us and he goes to the same college as us. They are all the best bunch of friends I can ever ask for. I have basically known them since I was born, well our parents have known each other since high school. Then our moms got pregnant at the same time, so yeah, that's how long we have known each other. Anyways, I sat in the front seat of Ashleigh's car.

'Hey girl, how are you?' Ashleigh says.

'Hey, yeah, I am good. I feel better than yesterday but yeah I am all good.' I replied.

'That's good.' Sophie says.

'The boys are right behind us. I told them that we are picking you up.' Ashleigh said.

'Cool. So, anyone got any plans after college?' I asked.

'Nothing, why?' Beth says.

'I was just wondering.' I added.

'You wanna go to The Diner, don't you Maya?' Sophie said.

'Yeah, I have missed that place. If everyone is free, can we we go there after college?' I asked.

'Are you kidding? We can obviously go to The Diner. To be honest, we have missed that place too. As soon as we finish at 4pm, then we can go. The boys also can come, so message them as well.' Beth added.

'Yay! I will message Cameron and let them know we are going to The Diner.' I said. We reached college and we saw a lot of police cars and a lot of ambulance cars at the college entrance.

'What is going on here?' Beth says. We all are a little worried. We saw Principle Millar talking to one of the police officers, so we went up to him.

'Principle Miller, what is going on? What happened?' I asked.

'One of the teachers, Mr Day, jumped from the school building?' Principle Millar replied.

'Oh my god. Is he dead?' Beth asked.

'Well, he is alive and is being taken to the hospital. Also, college is not open today, but will continue or start next Monday.' Principle Millar said.

'Hope he is okay. But see you next week Principle Millar.' Sophie says.

'Yes, we hope he is fine too. But see you girls and boys next week.' Principle Millar says.

We all walked back to the car, just glancing at each other. We have no idea what to do; we just stood in silence and it is getting kind of awkward. I got my phone out and started to play Candy Crush Saga. That game is very addictive. I took a quick look at everyone else and they are on their phone as well.

'Guys, can we do something other than being anti - social?' Ashleigh says.

'Yeah people. What shall we do? We might as well do something together as we have a week of.' Jordan says.

What shall we do then? It is 11am.' Beth says.

'Don't know. But I am really hungry. Let's go and eat.' Sophie says.

'Okay, let's go to The Diner then.' Cameron suggested. We all exchanged looks.

'Yeah, let's go to The Diner.' Jordan says. We all got into the car and drove off to The Diner. It is a great that the gang is back together again. I am glad to see them. We got to The Diner and saw that the place is a little busy. We still went in as we always get our seats anyways, so it is okay. We also know the owner, he is a really nice guy, his wife is also very nice. Sometimes, they let us eat for free, which is very sweet of them.

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