Chapter 7 - This Is Awkward!

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Olivia's pov

I woke up today feeling refreshed and happy. I am happy because I get to hang out with Maya and her friends today and I can't wait. As I got ready, I went downstairs and I found Maya eating toast. She thought I was a burglar. As we were talking, I found out that she is going to lunch with her friends and then doing some essays together, without me. That made me really upset. I don't understand why she didn't include me with her plans. I feel like she is leaving me out. I know she has invited me for bowling and dinner, but it still would have been nice to have invited me as I am really bored. I decided to message her.

O: 'Hey, I just wanted to know why I couldn't come with you and your friends for lunch? X'

M: 'Hey, because Sophie doesn't really like you, so I didn't invite you. But she is good with you coming with us tonight xx'

O: 'Oh...wait, what did I do to make her hate me? Xx'

M: 'Well, she said that you tried to snatch Oscar away from her xx'

O: 'Oh, I didn't try to steal Oscar from her! X'

M: ' did try stealing Oscar from Sophie. We were all there when it happened, so that's why Sophie hates you xx'

O: 'Well, I am gonna apologise to her tonight xx'

M: 'Yeah, good luck with that xx'

O: 'Thanks, I might need to! X'

M: 'Good, now stop messaging me and let me have fun with my friends xx'

O: 'Okay, see you later xx'

So, it turns out that Maya's friend Sophie hates me because I tried to steal her boyfriend Oscar from her. It is kind of true, Oscar is a very cute guy. But I tried to apologise to Sophie and Oscar but they said that they can never forgive me as I am not their friend. So, I am going to try again later when I see them at the bowling place. I hope they forgive me. I can't wait to to see the other boys, especially Cameron.


I am in my room getting ready. I haven't got a message from Maya yet. She hasn't said anything to me about what the plan is but she will message me when it's time. As I was putting my shoes on, there was a knock on the door. I looked towards the door and I smiled.

'Come in.' I said. It's Aunt Claire.

'Hey darling, why are you at home?' Aunt Claire says.

'Hey, what do you mean?' I asked.

'Weren't you supposed to go to lunch with Maya and her friends?' Aunt Claire said.

'No, I wasn't invited. That is why I am still at home.' I replied.

'Why weren't you invited?' Aunt Claire asked.

'Because Maya's friend Sophie doesn't like me because I tried to steal her boyfriend, Oscar, away from her!' I added.

'Oh. If you did that, that is very wrong.' Aunt Clair says.

'I know it is very wrong but I couldn't help it, Oscar is just so cute. I really want to date Cameron. Now he is a good looking guy!' I added.

'Well, that's too bad because Cameron is dating Maya!' Aunt Cameron says.

'Wait, Maya has a boyfriend? And she is dating Cameron?' I moaned.

'Yeah, Maya's dating Cameron. And don't you dare to break them up and make my daughter unhappy and hurt her, then I will make sure you get sent back home and never return. Do you understand?' Aunt Claire added.

'I understand.' I said.

'Good.' Aunt Claire says. She walked out of my room.

Aunt Claire is right. I can't steal Cameron from Maya. I can't have Maya hate me, Sophie already hates me, so I can't make things worse. I picked up my hair straighteners and started to straighten my hair. I still have no idea what time I need to leave and meet Maya and her friends. She hasn't messaged me yet. I am going to wait for the message. I hope Maya hasn't forgotten about me. I just hope she invites me.


It has been an hour and I still haven't got a message from Maya. I just hope Maya hasn't forgotten about me. I might ask Aunt Claire about this but she might have a go at me again. I am in my room, watching tv. I am all ready but I just waiting for Maya. I hope she messages me soon. If she doesn't message me, then I am going to shout at her so much that I don't even care what Aunt Claire, Uncle Scott and Josh says.

M: 'Hey, I am sorry that I didn't message you earlier xx'

O: 'It's okay xx'

M: 'Okay, so, there is a taxi coming to pick you up in 30 minutes xx'

O: 'Yeah, okay! For a moment, I thought you forgot about me! X'

M: 'No, I didn't forget about you. At first, Sophie didn't want you to come, but then I told her that you have nothing to do and you are very bored xx'

O: 'I see. Well, you can tell Sophie not to worry. I am not gonna listen to what Aunt Claire says x'

M: 'What do you mean? X'

O: 'Aunt Claire said that I am wrong about trying to steal Oscar from Sophie. And she said that if I tried to steal Cameron away from you, then she will send me back home x'

M: 'Oh my gosh! She really said that?'

O: 'Yeah, she did! X' 

M: 'Well, she is not wrong! X'

O: 'You also think that as well?'

M: 'Well, yeah. If you do try to steal Cameron away from me, then I won't think twice about sending you home!'

O: 'Maya, I thought you would understand!'

M: 'Look, I don't want to argue about this. So, see you in a little while'

O: 'Okay, see you soon!'

M: 'Yeah, see you later x'

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