Chapter 4 - She Hasn't Changed Much!

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Maya's pov

As I got home from The Diner, I found out from my parents that my cousin Olivia is coming here to New York to visit us. Olivia is the daughter of my mom's older brother. I haven't seen her since we were 12 years old, I haven't seen her for 7 years. That is a while ago. But I am happy that she is coming. My friends also know Olivia, so they will be happy to see her. I decided to tell my friends, so that they are alert and are prepared for Olivia's visit.

M: 'Hey guys, I just found out that my cousin Olivia is coming to visit tomorrow xx'

B: 'Cool. Haven't seen her in ages! Xx'

S: 'Oh my gosh! Will be nice to see her xx'

A: 'That's good xx'

C: 'Wicked! Xx'

K: 'I remember one time, we were like 11 years old, she had a crush on me! But yeah, will be nice to see her though xx'

O: 'Awesome, can't wait to see her again xx'

J: 'Cool! Will be nice to see her after such a long time! Xx'

M: 'Yeah, I can't wait to see her either. I will talk to you guys soon! Xx'

C: 'Cool, speak to you later! Xx'

B: 'Talk later xx'

S: 'Talk to you soon xxx'

O: 'Adios xx'

K: 'Byeeeeeee xx'

A: 'Speak soon friend! Xxxx'

J: 'Talk to you soon! Xx'

That is so good. My friends are happy that my cousin Olivia is coming. I am happy that my friends actually know who Olivia is, it would be so awkward if they didn't know her. As Olivia is only 2 years younger than me, Olivia is going to hang around with me and my friends as she will have nothing to do. Olivia will only hang out with us when we don't have college. It will be so weird if I bring her to my college as she is not enrolled at my college.

'Maya, time for dinner!' Mom says.

'Coming mom!' I said. I went downstairs and I could smell the food. It smells so nice. It is making my mouth water.

'Spaghetti bolognese is now ready.' Dad says. He put the spaghetti bolognese in the middle of the table.

'That smells so nice. I can't wait to put it in my mouth!' I said.

'Well, you can give some of the credit to brother, as he cooked some of it.' Mom replied.

'Cool.' I said. I sat down and started eating the food. It is actually really nice. I continued to eat when the doorbell rang. My dad got up and he went to answer the door. I just sat there still eating. I am nearly finished, so I might have some more, I am really hungry.

'Guess who just arrived!' Dad says as he walked in.

'Olivia?' Mom says.

'Aunt Claire, hey!' Olivia said. They both hugged.

'I thought you were coming tomorrow? How come you are here now?' Mom asked.

'Well, I was supposed to come tomorrow, but when I got to the airport on time, there was an extra seat on the aeroplane to get here, so they asked me and well, here I am.' Olivia said.

'Maya, you remember your cousin Olivia right? Josh, you too! Come say hi.' Dad says.

'Yeah, we remember! Hi Olivia.' Josh says.

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