Chapter 14 - The Fake Break - Up, Complete!

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Cameron's pov

Mrs Johnson's plan is genius. I have to break up with Maya in front of Olivia and fall in love with Olivia. Well, it is all fake so that we can teach Olivia a lesson. I just want Olivia to get away from me and my life. Ever since Olivia got here, she has messed everything up and she has basically everything upside down. I got my phone out and opened the group chat.

C: 'So, guys, you have to play along and make it seem believable that me and Maya have broken up!'

J: 'Bro, we will be by your side all the time!'

S: 'Anything to get Olivia away from you Cameron :)'

A: 'Are you guys sure this is going to work?'

O: 'It has to work!'

K: 'It can't just not work!'

B: 'Whatever happens, the outcome will be good :)'

M: 'Thanks guys.'

C: 'Don't worry! If it doesn't work, then Olivia can just leave with her family!'

O: 'I just want Olivia away from here!'

S: 'I agree, she is such an idiot and backstabber. Sorry Maya!'

M: 'No, it's okay. I also think Olivia is such a loser and idiot!'

B: 'That is so true!'

C: 'Anyways, Olivia might be home soon, so me and Maya need to be prepared!'

J: 'Good luck guys.'

C: 'Thanks bro!'

M: 'Thank you x'

K: 'You both will be fine, no matter what happens!'

C: 'Yup! I know we have you guys to support us, so nothing bad will happen!'

*4 Hours Later*

'Where is this girl? Is she always out this late when she is out?' Aunt Hannah asked.

'No, she never goes out at this time!' Mom says.

'Guys, she is here. Maya, start crying, Cameron get ready to shout.' Dad added. I went to stand opposite Maya. We heard the door open. Maya started to cry. Olivia came into the front room.

'Mom, dad, Rachael, how come you guys are here?' Olivia says.

'We missed you, that's why we are here. But things are out of hand though.' Aunt Hannah says.

'What do you mean? And Maya why are you crying? What happened?' Olivia says.

'Olivia, let us finish before you interrupt!' I said.

'Finish what? You guys are scaring me!' Olivia added.

'Maya, I have had enough of your tantrums. I can't do this anymore. I am done.' I shouted.

'Cameron, what are you saying?' Maya cried.

'I saying, I am breaking up with you, So, please, don't ever come back to me and be me to be your boyfriend again.' I shouted.

'Cameron, you can't do this to me. You can't break up with me!' Maya says.

'Maya, just leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. I am going home now.' I moaned. I headed for the front door.

'Cameron, you can't do this, please don't leave!' Maya said.

'Bye Maya.' I said. I heard Maya scream even more.

'Maya, calm down. He will come back to you don't worry.' Olivia says. I heard most of what Olivia said. I got into my car and drove of. I saw Maya standing by the door crying.

Maya's pov

'I am going to my room.' I said.

'Okay darling. Don't think about this too much, okay sweetie?' Dad said.

'Yeah dad, don't worry.' I said.

I walked up to my room, still crying so Olivia still believes that tI am still hurt with all this. I hope this works; I just want Olivia away from my boyfriend. She needs her own boyfriend, who takes care of her, basically, she needs someone who will treat her like a princess. As I got up to my room, I closed the door, wipped my tears and got my phone out. I saw that I have a message from Cameron.

C: 'Hey baby, are you okay? Xxxx'

M: 'Hey, yeah, I am fine. I hope this plan works! Xxxx'

C: 'Good! Did Olivia say anything to you when I left? Xxx'

M: 'No, she didn't say anything xxx'

C: 'That's good! Xxx'

M: 'I said I am going to my room and they all said it's fine xx'

C: 'Well, I am glad you are okay! I'm sorry I shouted at you! Xx'

M:'Cam, it's okay. We are pretending to be mad at each other and pretending to have broken up, so shouting is okay. Anyways, this is not going to go on for a long time! Xxx'

C: 'Yeah, that's true! Xxx'

M: 'You know the plan don't you? Xxx'

C: 'Yeah, I know the plan. I will message Olivia in the morning xxx'

M: 'Cool! I have to go, so I will speak to you soon! Xx'

C: 'Yeah, I have to go too! My mom is calling me for dinner. Love you so much xxx'

M: 'I have to go to dinner as well, love you too baby! Xx'

C: 'Talk to you soon! Xxx'

After I finished talking to Cameron, I felt so relaxed. I went down to find my mom has ordered Chinese for dinner. I love Chinese food and I think that Chinese food is the best food to have when you are feeling down, especially when you have just pretended to break up with your boyfriend just to prove to your cousin to stay away from the person you love.

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