Chapter 2 - We Must Do Something!

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Cameron's pov

As soon as we got to college, we found out that one of our favourite teachers had tried to commit suicide, so Principle Millar gave us all the week off, which is great as we get an extra week off to relax but it also is very sad because a teacher is in hospital, but he is going to be absolutely fine. We went inside and went  to sit in our seat. We were in The Diner. I could not stop thinking about Mr Day; I hope he is okay.

'So, what are we all going to eat?' Jordan joked.

'The usual. Have you forgotten what we order Jordan?' I laughed.

'Just kidding! I know, just wanted ti see what everyone's reaction was.' Jordan added.

'Funny. So, curly fries and chocolate milkshakes for everyone!' Oscar said.

'Yeah,  we always have that, so, go ahead and order it bro!' I said.

'Okay! I will be right back!' Oscar says. He went to order the food. As he went to order the food, I saw everyone else go on their phones. They are so anti - social, but then I got my phone out and then went on Facebook. Oscar came back and he went on his phone.

O: 'Okay, why is everyone being on anti - social?'

K: 'Urm.......we are not being anti - social!'

M: 'Maybe it's because we can't talk as our voices have been taken away ;)x'

A: 'Or maybe it's because we are all bored and have nothing to talk about :) x'

B: 'Ash is right! X'

C: 'Okay, is anyone else hungry?'

J: 'Cam, you're always hungry!'

S: 'That is very true!'

C: 'That is why I am thankful for the food we have in this world! :) :)'

'Here you go gang, enjoy your food; while is lasts.' Mo says. He looks really upset.

'Thanks Mo. But what do you mean by while it lasts? Everything okay?' I asked.

Everything is not okay! This place is closing down next week and a helmet shop is opening here instead?' Mo replied.

'A helmet shop? Seriously?' Kayden says.

''Yeah, a helmet shop. I don't understand why a helmet shop needs to open here!' Mo added.

'There are so many helmet shops around here, there definitely doesn't need to one more!' Jordan moans.

'Well, I have tried everything, but I can't even change the minds of the people who decided to close this place.' Mo says.

'Don't worry Mo. We are going to help you keep this place open.' Oscar says.

'You all will really help me?' Mo asked.

'Mo, we have been coming here ever since we were younger. We don't want this place to shut down as we love it here.' I said.

'Honestly speaking, you all have been very helpful and kind to me and my wife, that we don't even know how to thank you all.' Mo says.

'You don't need to thank us Mo. It's okay!' Oscar says. Mo smiled at us and then he walked away.

'So, what are we going to do? I don't want Mo and Camila to loose this place.' Kayden added.

'We can contact the agent that sold this place. We need to tell them that this place is way better than a helmet shop.' Ashleigh said.

'That's a brilliant idea. We shall go after this!' Jordan says.

'Cool. We will also tell Mo and Camila that we are going to the agent.' Beth says.

We continued to eat our curley fries and drink our chocolate milkshakes. To be fair, whoever thought to open a helmet shop, is one crazy person. There is already quite a few helmet shops in the area, we don't need another one. There will be quite a lot of competition happening. We won't let the new helmet shop open as there will be no pint. No one will come to this shop. We are going to help Mo and Camila have had The Diner for ore than 20 years. The Diner runs in Mo's family; his parents first opened the place and now that they have died, they gave it to Mo and Camila. Nothing is going to shut this place; not even a helmet shop.

Maya's pov

'Guys, let's go!' I said to the gang.

'Yeah, let's get going!' Sophie says.

We got up and went to say bye to Mo and Camila and then we left to go to the agent that sold The Diner to some crazy people who want to open a helmet shop. I still can't believe a helmet shop is opening again. As soon as we get to the agent, I just can't wait to tell them what is on my mind a I have so much anger built up in my mind. I think the others have a lot of anger in their mind as well. Me and the girls went in Ashleigh's car and the boys went in Oscar's car. Ashleigh said that she knows where the agent is and how to get there, so the boys are going to follow her. I hope Ashleigh doesn't get lost. She does get lost sometimes, but not all the time.

*10 Minutes Later*

'Ash, are you lost?' Beth asked.

'No, what are you talking about? What made you say that?' Ashleigh replies.

'It is because we have already passed The Tattoo Shop about 5 times now!' Beth says.

'Girl, just admit you're lost?' I said.

'Okay, I am lost. I have no idea where I am going.' Ashleigh says.

'Cameron just messaged me and he said to follow Oscar.' I added.

'Okay, that's fine!' Ashleigh says.

In the end, Ashleigh had to follow Oscar as she has no idea where she is going. I don't blame her. I wouldn't know where I am going as I have never heard of this agent before. I have a really weird feeling that this agent makes a fool out of everyone uses this agent. I know that I am not going to trust these people. I bet they are a fraud.

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