Chapter 13 - What Right Do You Have?

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Maya's pov

Olivia is one messed up person. I have no idea what goes through he mind, but we have to get her checked with the doctor, to see if she has any sort of mental condition. I have called Uncle Mark, Aunt Hannah and Rachael and they have decided that are going to come help us sort all of this out. They also suspect that there is something wrong with Olivia. They will be here in one hour; my parents know about this as well, so they will also be involved in this; Josh and my friends too.

Me and Cameron went back to my house as Aunt Hannah, Uncle Mark and Rachael are coming. We found out that Olivia is not at home, that is a good thing as we can't talk about her in front of her, as she might deny everything we tell her. So we need to talk about everything before we talk to Olivia. I made coffee for me and Cameron. Then the doorbell rang. It must be Uncle Mark and Aunt Hannah. I went to answer it and I was right, it is them.

'Hey guys, come in.' I said.

'Maya, so great to see you!' Uncle Mark said.

'It is great to see you all.' I said.

'Olivia is not at home is she?' Aunt Hannah said.

'No, she isn't here, which is good as I want her to listen to what we are talking about.' I replied.

'That is very true. Where are your parents Maya?' Uncle Mark said.

'They are on their way, they just had to take Josh to the hospital for a routine check up for his knee.' I added.

'Ahhh that's fine.' Aunt Hannah says.

'Anyways, you remember Rachael, don't you Maya?' Uncle Mark said.

'Yes, I remember Rachael obviously.' I said.

'Good.' Uncle Mark said.

Maya, is this handsome guy Cameron?' Aunt Hannah says.

'Yes, this is Cameron. Sorry, I forgot to introduce you guys to each other.' I moaned.

'That's okay. Hey I am Cameron, it is nice to meet you all.' Cameron says.

'Hey, I'm Mark,  Maya's uncle and her dad's younger brother. This is my wife Hannah and our eldest daughter Rachael; obviously you know that Olivia is our younger daughter.' Uncle Mark added. The doorbell rang.

'That must be my parents and Josh. I will go and get it.' I said. I went and answered the door to find out that my parents and Josh are here. I got scared; just in case Olivia was standing at the door instead of my parents.

'Hey darling. Are your uncle, auntie and Rachael here?' Mom asked.

'Hey, they are here. They are in the front room. They just got here, like 15 minutes ago!' I replied.

'Good. Now, let's go and talk about all of this and sort it out.' Mom says.

'Yup, let's go! Cameron is also here!' I added. My dad nodded.

'Mark, Hannah and Rachael, how are you guys? How was your flight?' Dad asked.

'We are good. Our flight was all good thanks. And thank you for having us over.' Uncle Mark says.

'It's great to have you all here.' Dad says.

'Okay, so, can we talk abut Olivia please?' I asked.

'Yeah! So, she has been kind of freaking me out ever since she got here!' Cameron started.

'What has Olivia done to you, Cameron?' Rachael says.

'Well, we went out one night and she slapped me on my butt, then she kept winking at me. She then took my number from Maya's phone without Maya knowing and started messaging me. Then, Olivia brought chocolate cake over for me earlier today because Maya told her to as she had a dentist appointment; where the truth is that Maya didn't even tell Olivia to bring me cake, Maya was on her way here but was stuck in traffic and Maya didn't even have a dentist appointment today, she has one next week. That is wha she had been doing lately. I have no idea what she is gonna do next.' Cameron explained.

'Olivia needs to be controlled, otherwise I won't be able to stop myself from controlling her my way!' I lashed out.

'Maya, we do need to stop all of this, but how?' Rachael says.

'Look, we need to get Olivia to realise her mistakes and she needs to know that Cameron can't be her boyfriend and needs to move on from him.' Uncle Mark says.

'I have an idea!' Mom says.

'Great! What is is mom?' I asked.

'Maya, I don't even know if you are gonna like this plan though.' Mom says.

'Well, mom, if you tell me, then I will tell you if I like it or not! Mom just say it please.' I said.

'Okay, so what if we do the same thing to Olivia?' Mom says.

'Mom, what are you talking about? I am so confused.' I added.

'Okay, so, if Olivia is in love with Cameron, we have to make Olivia think and believe that Maya and Cameron have broken up. Then, Cameron flirts with Olivia and says he loves her.' Mom started.

'Okay, keep going, I kind of like this idea so far.' I said.

'So, obviously, you both won't and never will break up, we just have to make Olivia think you both have. Cameron will make Olivia fall in love with him eve more, then a few weeks later, Cameron will start making Olivia jealous by slowly going back to Maya.' Mom continued.

'Mom, I absolutely love that plan! Cameron, what do you think?' I said.

'I love it too. We should go ahead with that plan!' Cameron replied.

'Okay, as soon as Olivia gets home, we can start arguing and then Cameron will break up with me! I will also tell our friends about the plan.' I said.

'Cool.' Mom says.

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