Chapter 20 - Why Doesn't She Leave?

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Maya's pov

After having some coffee, I said goodnight t my family and I went up to my room. As I am walking to my room, I saw Olivia standing outside my room. I have had enough of her and I want her to leave and just go home. I still want to know what she wants by standing outside my room.

'Olivia, what do you want? Why are you standing outside my room?' I said.

'I really need to talk to you.' Olivia said.

'Okay, start talking.' I moaned.

'Can we go in to your room and talk?' Olivia asked.

'No. Whatever you want to say, you can say it out here. So, start talking before I loose my mind again.' I say.

'Okay fine. I just wanted to say that I am really sorry for taking Cameron away from you. I know you guys are a couple and have been for a while.' Olivia added.

'What are you trying to say? I am really tired, so I don't have time for this right now!' I said.

'I just wanted to say I am really sorry about all of this, about everything I have done to you.' Olivia says.

'Yeah whatever. I don't forgive you, so there is no point apologising to me. Now, you need to stay away from my friends and my boyfriend. It was a big mistake to include you in my plan with my friends.' I moaned.

'I am really sorry once again.' Olivia moaned.

'Whatever. Now, move, I need to get to my room but I can't get it because your fat bottom is blocking the entrance.' I moaned. I went into my room and slammed the door in her face. I got my phone out and I just had to tell the others about all of this.

M: 'Guys, I am so glad that all this is over, honestly I am so revealed! Xx'

S: 'Bet you are really happy xx'

K: 'Maya, are you sure you're okay? Xx'

C: 'Yeah, Maya you don't seem too sure! X'

B: 'Just don't worry about it too much though Maya! Xxxx'

A: 'Now, it's all over and down with, don't worry about it now Maya xx'

O: 'Ashleigh is right. Don't worry about it all now Maya, just relax xx'

J: 'Just be happy that Cameron is yours and will always be yours Maya xx'

M: 'Thanks guys. Olivia tried to say sorry to me again, just a couple minutes ago! Xx'

B: 'What? Xx'

J: 'What did she say? X'

A: 'How did she approach you Maya? Xx' 

M: 'My mom made coffee, so I sat with my family in  the kitchen, except for Olivia, she wasn't with us, and then I went up to my room, when I saw Olivia standing outside my room xx'

C: 'Oh really? What a massive idiot she is! X'

S: 'I never trusted her anyways! X'

J: 'Olivia tried to apologise to me and I never forgave her x'

O: 'Good, don't forgive her, ever! X'

M: 'I am never going to forgive her and to be very honest, I want her to leave and I never see her ever again! '

C: 'Forget about it, it's all over now, just get some rest. Go to bed now xxxxx'

M: 'Yeah, I am going to sleep now, I am really tired! Goodnight guys xxxxx'

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