Chapter 19 - The Act Is Over!

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Maya's pov

*Saturday Afternoon*

It is Saturday afternoon and I am looking inside my wardrobe, deciding what I should wear later when I go to dinner with my friends at Jordan's dad and uncle's new restaurant. I actually can't wait for this, because it means I get to sit next to Cameron, without Olivia interfering in between us. I can't wait to try the food and and to see Cameron and my friends; but I can't decide what I should wear. It is very frustrating and annoying being a girl at times.

'Maya, here is your jacket. It was in the kitchen on one of the chairs.' Josh says. He came into my room.

'I was looking for that jacket everywhere. Thanks Josh.' I said.

'You're welcome. Just keep your things safe and don't leave your stuff around the house for Olivia to steal!' Josh added.

'What do you mean Josh?' I asked.

'I mean, you had left your purse in the front room the other day when I saw Olivia stealing money from it. Then your phone was on the side and I saw Olivia put it in her pocket. Now she was trying to steal your favourite jacket. Bust don't worry, I told her to put double the money back in your purse and I told her of so much about stealing all this.' Josh replied.

'How the heck did I not know this? But thanks for letting me know bro and for always being there for me!' I said.

'I have no clue but remember to put your stuff away properly. And I am your brother, it's my right and duty to look after my little sister.' Josh says.

'Yeah don't worry, I will put my stuff safe from now on. Thanks again bro!' I added.

Now that I have my jacket back, I can actually get the clothes out that I can wear. I opened my wardrobe again and I saw a zebra printed dress, so I took it out. I got changed and then I did my hair; I just straightened my hair and applied some make - up. I grabbed my purse, phone, a small packet of tissues and a small mirror and out it in my bag. I went down and saw Olivia in the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of milk.

'Olivia, I am going now now, so see you later, okay?' I said.

'Yeah okay, bye! Have fun.' Olivia says.

'Thanks, see you later.' I added. I walked out of the house and I saw Ashleigh's car, so I went over and sat in her car. 

'Hey, Maya, are you ready to go and see Cameron? And actually be a couple without Olivia being there?' Sophie says.

'OMG! I am so excited about this. This is the one of many times Olivia is not going to be there to get in the way of me and Cameron!' I replied.

'That's good!' Sophie added.

'Also, me and Cameron have been hanging out the past couple days without Olivia knowing.' I said.

'Well, you guys are gonna tell her after dinner, right?' Beth says.

'Yeah, we are gonna tell her but when we get home obviously!' I said.

'Good, we will come inside and support you if you want us too?' Ashleigh says.

'Yeah, please. I would love you guys to be there with me!' I said.

'You know we will always be there for you no matter what happens.' Beth added.

'Thanks guys. I love you guys so much!' I said.

'Anyways, let's go to the restaurant before we are late.' Ashleigh says.

'Yeah, let's go!' Beth said.

Ashleigh started the car and drove off to the restaurant. All I could think about is spending time with Cameron. I actually can't wait for this, but I am getting butterflies, which means I am nervous about this. I have no idea why I am nervous. I am usually fine around Cameron; I guess I am nervous about Olivia finding out on her own about me and Cameron. But everything will be fine.

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