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Hey, guys! Before I begin with my weird intro, let me just say that if you don't care about this then you don't have to read it. This is mostly for people who have read my other works and sort of get the gist of my writing style and my technique. If you are not one of those people and are simply coming across this in a random search for Adventure Time content then, by all means, move on to the next chapter. For those of you who do care, keep reading if you want to.

This story is going to be a little more off of my own imagination than canon. If you read the description all the way then you saw that Cinnamon Bun isn't in here due to "plot reasons". Some characters may act out of character depending on the scene they are in and I might even have a few backstory details that may not even be true to the original story line. I did these things because we actually don't know the entire story of the Land of Aaa, assuming that it just mirrors Finn's adventures in the Land of Ooo. To be entirely honest, we now know for certain that these characters are just fictional people made up in Ice King's mind, but we don't know for sure if he made these people up to mimic Finn's life or if he created an entire new story and only gained inspiration from Finn.

All of this to say, authors who write stories based in the Land of Aaa have much more leeway than they think. 

I am typing this entirely on my computer, which is something I have never done before on Wattpad since I usually type my books on my Kindle Fire or on my phone, but for this one I want to use my computer. For those reading on phones, yes, the paragraphs might be a little bit longer because the screen is bigger on a computer. But I'm hoping that because the screen is bigger, I'll start filling up paragraphs with more detail.

My goal for this, is to branch out on my writing technique. I want to be a more vivid and descriptive writer than just a writer with basic dialogue and plot points. And I could use all the help and constructive criticism I could get. Those of you who are reading this, the story is finished or is being updated according to the date I have planted in the description. That isn't to say that you shouldn't help me; please, if you think I should use a better adjective or be more descriptive, don't be afraid to comment and let me know! Seriously, I will not be offended (unless you are being blatantly rude, in which case I will delete your comment :)). It takes a lot to hurt my feelings and if anything you're actually helping by correcting. The first step to perfection is correction.

I don't have much else to say. Hopefully this will point out what to expect in this story and this will sort of set the expectation I'm holding myself to. If you made it this far in my little beforehand note, then you deserve a gold medal for patience because I know how hard it is to listen to someone else's opinion. If you honestly didn't give a single damn about this stupid little author's note then I don't blame you at all. I don't even read them myself, to be frank.


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