Their Long Awaited Ending

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You weren't sitting long in the cold night before you felt that wonderfully welcome warmth envelope you and wrap itself around your body. Instantly, you dropped the jacket and snuggled up into the side of Philip's body with your guitar in your arms and him holding you close. Grinning up at him like a cheshire cat, you moved your hands on the neck of your instrument and played one final chord.

"Look how easy it is not to be late," you said. "Who would have thought?"

"Look how easy it is to play the normal teenage girl with a king for a boyfriend," he smarted back. "Man, if I could've played the lowly peasant card I probably would've deeply considered it."

"Hey! I am not a peasant," you retorted. 

"You're right," he said with a big grin, squeezing you tighter into his arms. "You're a queen in my heart."

"That's dandy," you deadpanned, wriggling free of his death grip. "But could you possibly arrange it that we are married tomorrow morning? I have a very busy schedule and I do not intend on delaying from it any longer." The look on his face was priceless when you said those words and it took all of your self control not to laugh out loud and break your character.

"You have a busy schedule?" he remarked. "If I would have known this news then I would have gone to the jeweler's last hour, but they were closed and I already made this plan with you."

"Wait, what," you paused. "You want to go ring shopping already? We've only been dating for two weeks."

"That's what happens when you date a royal," he cheered. "I didn't even get the chance to properly court you, but I suppose our friendship was enough."


"You know, the act of pursuing a lady and getting to know her with the intentions of a relationship and marriage," he supplied. "We didn't do that part."

"Were we... supposed to do that?" you asked him. So far in this conversion, you were very lost past the point where you said you wanted to get married tomorrow.

"It's definitely not in style now," he shrugged. "Modern royalty kind of just goes in for the kill now. Especially since a majority of the monarchs in Aaa are in men."

"Yeah, but you forget that all of them are too chicken shit to do anything," you snickered.

He laughed at your reply and agreed with you on that. "I'm pretty sure a lot of them still have a tiny crush on Fionna."

"A tiny crush?" you gambled. "I'm pretty positive she's still getting marriage proposals in her mailbox!"

At this, he really laughed and fell back into the grass with his hair blazing all around. Miraculously, he didn't burn any of it and you fell back with him and curled up into his side. He subconsciously wrapped his arm around your shoulders pulling you closer and you dropped the guitar to the side next to you on the hill. 

"I can just imagine Fionna walking down a perfect and pristine aisle in a big extravagant wedding gown and just this huge frown on her face the whole entire time," he chuckled. "Oh my glob, the day she settles down with someone is the day I'm going to start documenting her transition from a glory seeking hero to stay-at-home mom. I will personally write that biography."

"Oh my goodness, don't do that," you scoffed at him. "She would hate to see that transition."

"I know," he smirked evilly.


"What! I wasn't doing anything," he averted his eyes from you and looked them off into the distance with the smirk still plastered on his face. "Don't mind me just planning my ex's demise for the future."

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