Her Own Good

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"All rise for your new king, King Philip, son of Her Majesty, Flame Queen, and now the first Flame King of this generation."

Philip raised his palm to the sky and let the fire from it flare up to the sky. The people cheered and whooped for the display and their new king. This is what they wanted, a ruler that would build them an empire within their walls. They wanted someone who wouldn't hesitate to fight when a threat arose, and finally, after years of waiting on their prince, they had their true king.

And it was absolutely glorious.

"You have been patient, my friends, for my true power to take hold," he began. "I see now that we are more than just fire elementals, but we are masters of a power that no other can begin to comprehend. We can awake volcanoes from mountains, we can explode lava from this world's crust, and we can make entire cities burn to the ground." The screams and applause didn't seem to end when he spoke. "With me as your king, we will raise our kingdom to the sky and we will make a new Fire Kingdom. A kingdom where we won't wait to kill anybody in our way."

"We won't!"

"You tell 'em!"

Flame King smirked and walked down from the podium, carrying with him loads of guards to control the people around him. Some reached out to shake his hand, others thanked him profusely and congratulated him, while most chanted his name as he strolled to the throne of his palace. His guards took him to the enormous throne that was decked with rubies and obsidian gems, a symbol of passion and prosperity in his land. Swishing his cape to the side, he crossed his legs as he sat comfortably in his throne.

"Is it legal to make a royal decree now?" Flame King asked his royal advisor to the side of him.

The man ducked down to his ear and nodded. "I think that's what the people are waiting for, sire."

He looked down and saw the many fire citizens all gathered up inside of his palace, hopeful and full of anticipation. "Oh," he said. Clearing his throat, he sat up from his throne and straightened his posture. "My first order as king is to..."

What was it? Surely there was something he wanted to change around here? Regulations that needed to be released, policies that were too old to stand the test of time, alliances that just wouldn't hold up with other kingdoms- wait. The fire flowers. He promised himself and to you silently that he would get rid of them.

But those were his mother's favorite things in the world. Whenever she was angry or upset, she would go the gardens and cool off. He remembered one day when Flambo brought him a flower when he was still stuck inside that damned lamp. It too had brought a great sense of peace and calm. Those flowers were the glue to hold the sanity together for many rulers in the past; to destroy them would mean to demolish an entire lifetime of loving them and keeping them and...

And yet they had hurt you.

He had tried to reason with himself that it was not his fault because Gumball was the one who had taken its power. Gumball was the reason you had come here in the first place not only with Fionna, but also with the intention to bring back one of the most dangerous things in Aaa. It was Gumball's fault for hurting you, but it was Flame King's fault for being too soft and allowing the thing to get in his hands in the first place.

"My first order as king is to flood the Royal Fire Flower Gardens," he commanded.

His advisor stiffened and looked at the man like he was insane. "My liege, with all due respect, those gardens have been thriving since the humble beginnings of our kingdom. Countless rulers in the past have done nothing but try and maintain those beautiful flowers and-"

"I don't care," he cut the other off. "Those flowers hurt someone I care about very deeply and I will not have anyone blame me for hurting someone they love."

"Sir, if this is about the miss I'm sure it was an accident-"

"Vincent, I am your king and you do what I say now, dammit! Flood the gardens, I want all hands on deck. Gather as much water as you can and be careful, do not extinguish any part of yourselves on it. I want those things gone by tomorrow morning and if they aren't then I will do it myself," he snapped.

Vincent sighed and stood up for all to see. "You heard your king, let's get to it."

Flaming hair and sparking legs ran out of the place faster than a pride of lions on the hunt. Maids and servants, butlers and chefs, mothers and children; everyone went to comply to the order. Buckets were being passed in assembly lines as people helped douse the flowers, gingerly passing the deadly liquid as to avoid disaster. It was going to be a long day, but it was worth the satisfaction of the peoples' new king.


It took them hours but they did it. The garden doors were barricaded with obsidian and were sealed shut never to be opened again. Every last flower was flooded and their flame was doused and dead. Every last flower, all except for one...

Flambo scurried down the halls with one single small flower in his mouth, avoiding all contact with any other flame person to not be seen with the blossom. A few twists and turns later and he made it to his small home in the wall of Flame King's room. He placed the flower down for a moment and took a moment to catch his breath.

It was a miracle he had been able to get the fire flower in the first place. With the help of a few maids and a quickly planned strategy, he was able to save one last precious flower and make it out of the gardens without accidentally getting doused. This single burning blossom was the last of the fire flowers in the kingdom and he was determined to keep it safe.

"Please Y/N," he whispered to himself. "Please help us."

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