The Truth From Him

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I had a fun time getting to know you, Y/N. I hope we can see each other again soon. You seem like a pretty sweet gal. P.S, that fish egg oil is already coming your way. And I have your guitar whenever you go to the beach again, so come down whenever you want. See you soon.

- Wesley

"He didn't have to do that," you whispered to yourself. Sure enough, the fish egg oil was delivered to your house by a humble messenger, and as much as you tried to give it back, the man insisted you keep it. After all, it would be rude to decline a gift from the prince.

This stuff had to have some kind of benefit from being of royal recommendation. Water Prince wouldn't have given this stuff to you if it wouldn't work. So stripping yourself of your clothes and turning on the hottest water you could handle, you pried open the jar lid and poured a generous amount of the greasy oil onto your body as you took a shower.

The liquid seeped into your skin and left a joyful tingling sensation behind. You gasped at the sudden shock of it, but then let the feeling melt into your skin. Slowly, your burned skin peeled back and revealed fresh new skin underneath. Wesley wasn't lying, the stuff did work. Examining the new tender flesh, you looked at the scars left behind from the outer layer of burns. The scars would definitely take some time to heal, but until then you at least had your skin back and not the nasty burnt skin from before.

You turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, draping a towel over your body and securing it tightly. Your wet hair dripped down your back as you walked to your room, sending little drops of water onto the wood floors.

"Look at you, you sure heal fast for a human."

Whipping your head upwards, you clutched at your towel and made eye contact with none other than Marshall Lee. He was grinning quite mischievously and had no evident embarrassment written across his face. In fact, he seemed entirely fine with you in only a towel.

"Marshall Lee! Get the freak out of my room! How the hell did you even get in here?" you demanded.

"I don't know, you just so happened to leave your door unlocked," he said. "I wasn't expecting you to be just getting out of the shower, but as I said before, you certainly healed fast from those burns." His eyes were trailing across your arms and legs, respectively peering away when he ventured a little too south for your liking.

You sighed and tossed him the jar of fish egg oil. It landed on him with a thud and he squinted curiously at it, unfamiliar with the product. His red eyes brightened with recognition of the item but then his eyebrows furrowed with suspicion.

"Where did you get this stuff from?" he asked.

Crossing your arms over your chest, you shrugged as nonchalantly as you could seem. What with you being a towel, being calm was the last thing you wanted to be at the moment. "Water Prince gave it to me," you answered him, a small knowing grin toying at your lips.

This time, he made no attempt to hide the confusion and shock from his expression. "Water Prince? How did you find him? He lives at the bottom of the ocean with the rest of those secluded water beings."

"He found me, actually," you said. "I was at the beach playing my guitar and he kind of snuck up on me. After I got over the fact that he had crept up on me, we started talking and now I think we're friends."

"You think?"

"Well, we only met once. I don't think you can meet once and then be instantaneously friends," you said.

"He obviously thinks your friends if he was willing to just donate this stuff to you," Marshall chuckled. "This stuff is super hard to find."

"Really? Wesley said he was just overflowing with the stuff," you said, cocking your head to the side.

He rose an eyebrow and shot you a lopsided grin. "You're on first name basis too? Wow, you sure left a mark on him."

You squeezed your arms tighter across your chest and pursed your lips, a sign of impatience that you were notorious for. "What do you mean you can't find that stuff? He said that there were jars stacked of it in the Water Kingdom."

Marshall sat up on your bed and held the jar in his hands. "Y/N, this stuff is so hard to find that there are only two jars of it on the land. Wesley hoards this stuff like a pack rat and only sells it if you truly are desperate and are willing to do anything for it. Numerous people die of burns just like yours and he doesn't even give a second glance. And he especially doesn't give this stuff to people who get elemental fire burns, he claims it doesn't work on them." He stood up and approached you, gently feeling your arms and looking at the new smooth skin left behind.

You flinched from the sudden contact of Marshall's cold skin on yours, and he stepped back giving you space. "Why would he say that it doesn't work on elemental burns? Those are the most dangerous kinds of burns in Aaa, no one hardly gets burned from anything else."

"Your guess is as good as mine," he shrugged, lying on his back and floating back to your bed. "Probably to spite Flame Prince to make it seem like there was no cure to his power. He's determined to prove that Flame Prince is too dangerous to live and I guess not providing cures for elemental fire burns is one way to do it." He put his hands behind his head and opened one eye to look back at you. "The two of them don't like each other very much, you know."

"Yeah, I figured they wouldn't be besties," you scoffed. Completely forgetting about your lack of clothing, you sat down next to Marshall and laid down next to him on your bed. "But if Wesley wanted Flame Prince gone, why wouldn't he just flood out the kingdom? I'm not siding with him, but he controls the whole ocean, right? So, why wouldn't he just flood the Fire Kingdom and be done with it."

Marshall laughed. "Three words: Sleeping Fire Giants."

"Sleeping Fire Giants?" you echoed.

"It's not my place to say, but I've been around long enough to know a lot of royal family secrets," he smirked.

In truth, you've known Marshall for a long time and you let the hidden knowledge he acquired stay secret to him. He had stored so much information and so many people had trusted him to keep their most precious secrets that you knew it would be wrong to ask him to expose them. For centuries he had been trusted and for centuries you knew he would be asked to do much more. And something told you that he wasn't going to spill the beans on this one.

"Okay, so if these Sleeping Fire Giants are... whatever they are, then why don't they just get rid of Water Prince?" you asked. You couldn't help yourself, you were curious.

"Hell, do I look like I know the answer? I don't know why those two do half the stuff they do to each other. The only advice I can give to you is do no to trust Wesley, he's a master at the art of deceit and charisma. He's worst than me! If you want to be 'friends' with him then play his little game and don't let him get in your head or in your heart. He'll do anything to get you on his side and that includes toying with your emotions."

Marshall yawned and stretched, blinking slowly and groaning lazily. You looked at the time and saw that it was already almost five thirty, and he probably didn't take a nap before he came to your house. He must exhausted especially after all the interrogations you put him through.

"I'm going to go down to the beach and see Wesley again," you said. "I left my guitar back at the shore and he said that he would keep it safe until I came back again. You're welcome to stay here and sleep until the sun goes down. You'll probably be gone by the time I get back anyway."

"Sweet," he yawned again. "You're the best, babe."

"Don't call me that," you scolded. "And I still need you to get out so I can put on some clothes."

"Oh, it's okay, I don't mind," he smirked.

"Haha, you're so funny. Get out."

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