Her Heart

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Several weeks had passed since Flame Prince had emerged as Flame King and the changes he had made were frightening. He officially shut off all contact and communication with all other kingdoms. The most horrifying thing about this was the fact that now almost all the other kingdoms wouldn't have solid military support, since they usually borrowed a good deal of his militia in times of need. They had tried several times to contact the newly crowned king, but once he stopped all communication then it was stopped for good. When that didn't work, they tried to schedule a formal diplomatic meeting with him, and he proved that that too would not work.

Prince Gumball demanded to know the reason for why he cut off all contact to everyone else, and he received a very real and very angry threat to never speak another word to him again. The whole world was all the rage to know why, but didn't have the guts to confront him or his kingdom. All they could do was hope that maybe this phase would fade and he would calm down from his power high.

But after a few weeks of waiting and hoping, they were wrong. He showed no signs of slowing down and it didn't look like he was going to in the near future. The smart princes stayed back and let him do whatever the hell he pleased as long as he didn't bother them. The persistent ones, the ones who wanted to play the hero, kept pestering him and kept on asking him why he did the things he did. Those princes usually were soon threatened with talk of war, forcing them to step back for the good of their kingdoms.

Flame King sat on top of his throne, listening with mild amusement as his new royal advisor talked to him about whatever new ideas the guy could muster up. He had to let Vincent go, for he was always too quick to hesitate and second guess the order of his king. He quickly got himself a new advisor, one he didn't even bother to memorize the name of, but the guy didn't seem to care.

While the new guy blabbered on about who knows what, Philip's phone began to rang. He silenced the man beside him and checked the ID on the phone before he answered. It displayed your name for probably the fifth time in two days. He sighed and didn't answer but kept it by his side, knowing you would call again soon and praying that maybe he would have the guts to answer it the next time.

"Sir, forgive me for prying but you have to answer her at some point," New Guy said. "She's worried for you, sire, and you care much more about her than all the other kingdoms to just let her go on and fret."

Philip growled and sunk his head in his hands. "I know, I'm just not ready to talk to her yet. I don't know what she's heard or what her friends have told her and she deserves to have me explain in person instead of over a damned phone call."

"Would you like me to schedule meeting with her?"

He replayed the memory of you and him tumbling down your stairs. He was so scared that he had hurt you and the fact that he hadn't made him more and more angry. That's why he was doing this, right? He was doing it to help you or so he told himself...

"Don't bother, she's a human," he said.

New Guy nodded and was about to start speaking when Flame King slammed his arms on the throne with a bright idea glistening in his eyes. "Someone go fetch me Flambo now!"

The tiny flambit was summoned immediately by the maids and servants, plopping down right in front of the throne in front of his most sovereign leader. Philip dismissed all others in the room and let them go back to their resting quarters for the night. He stood up from his seat and began to pace the smaller one like a shark circling its prey.

"Flambo, you know of my particular liking to Miss Y/N, right?"

He nodded eagerly and began to fidget with his hands. "Y-yes, sir."

"I want you to go do some dirty work for me," he said. "I am a king, I cannot go far without alarming many unnecessary parties in the local area, but you! You can sneak out of here and get back with that tiny body of yours without being noticed."

"What is it you would like of me, sire?"

"I want you to check on her. Go to her house, see how she's doing, and then come back and tell me every detail," he demanded.

"You want me to spy on the girl?"

"She won't even know you're there! I just want to know how she's doing, if she's okay, and if she's..." If she's what? Alive? Distraught over him? Visibly going to break down from lack of communication on his part? "If she's upset."

"Okay," Flambo nodded.

"Take as much time as you need, but be back by dawn."

"Yes, sire," he obeyed.


Flambo ran on all four of his legs, his tiny footsteps pounding softly into the ground. He looked back to see if he was trailing fire behind him and grateful when he wasn't. Your house was a small ways away from the kingdom and it was even farther when he took the long was around to go unnoticed, but he eventually made it without spending too much time on travel.

He sneakily made his way to your window and peeked inside, finding it dark. In fact, your whole house was dark. Thinking that maybe you were asleep, he slipped inside the cracked window and did some searching. You weren't in the bed, you weren't on the couch, you weren't... home.

Fionna's tree house maybe, he thought. It wasn't too uncommon for you to crash there after a solid day of adventuring and it certainly wasn't weird for you to stay in the dark with Marshall for days on end. But there were no concerts around and no news had gone around that she had slain a beast.

Just as Flambo was about to go home and report nothing, he heard a noise. And not just background noise from the night, it sounded so joyous and happy. Like... laughter. He did some snooping around and made it to the beach where the ocean breeze blew hard and the moon reflected out onto the twinkling water. He followed the happy banter until he came across a shocking sight.

You were there on the beach, but you were not alone. Right in front of you was none other than Wesley the Weasel as most inhabitants of the Fire Kingdom liked to call him. That little snake had his hand on your cheek and another on your waist, pulling you close while you giggled cutely. The flambit crouched down into some dunes and watched from a distance, just in earshot of your conversation.

"Is it possible to fall in love in just a few weeks?" Wesley asked, caressing your cheek with tender care.

"Do you think this is love?" you asked him back, sliding your arms up his chest to rest on his shoulders and behind his neck.

"I think it's something," he chuckled.

"Strong attraction, perhaps," you supplied.

"Is it enough to make you kiss me?"

Flambo held his breath and shook his head, willing you to deny him and run back to your house. But the loving and trusting look in your eyes didn't give away that you were strangers; it looked like you had been seeing him for a while. It looked like you were doing fine without Philip and that was something that would not sit well with the fiery ruler.

"Maybe," you responded. You cupped his neck with your hand and pulled him closer to your lips while he tightened his grip on your waist and tugged you closer to himself. Your mouths meshed together and Flambo had to look away to keep from running over there and prying you two apart.

He shimmied out of the dunes and took his time walking back to his kingdom. What was he going to tell Flame King? That you were now dating his worst enemy and enjoying yourself? He was going to flip his top and then what? Too many bad things were going to happen because of this, Flambo could tell. One thing he was certain of, Philip was not going to be happy about this new arrangement at all.

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