The Lights Above Him

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You left Marshall asleep in your room and opened your bedroom window for him to slip out of when he woke up later. You knew he wouldn't be asleep that long and he would eventually go out and live his nocturnal life as a vampire soon, but until then he made himself comfortable on your mattress and rested. Remembering your talk with both Flame Prince and Water Prince, you grabbed a heavier jacket and laced on your knee high boots making your way to the beach front. Perhaps they would keep you from getting sand in your toes as well as keep you warm.

The sea breeze greeted you first before you pinpointed a particular familiar tune in the air. Your eyes soon focused in on a very concentrated Wesley, who was carefully plucking each string of your guitar with tenderness and slight fear. Fear of messing up, you guessed. His nimble hands grazed each string and his face lit up in awe when he made a coherent sound with the notes. Honestly, it was an adorable scene for you to behold.

"You don't sound half bad, you know," you said from behind him.

Wesley turned his head and almost yelled but stopped himself when he saw it was just you. You smiled apologetically and made a seat next to him on the rock he sat on. Coincidentally it was the same rock you and him shared the day before. The eroded seat was shaped excellently for your two body figures that it was too perfect not to take.

He scooted over a little and gave you enough room to squeeze in next to him, handing your guitar back in the process. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else," he said after you had sat down.

"Who else could it be?" you asked.

He shrugged, a gesture that held many more meanings besides just ignorance. "You never know."

The way his shoulders moved reminded you of the same way Flame Prince's did when he couldn't find an answer to a question you gave him. It was so familiar and comfortable that you had to look away for a moment to regain yourself. You didn't want to talk or think about Flame Prince tonight and certainly not in front of Wesley. Even if what Marshall said was true about Wesley- that he was a charismatic liar- you still wanted to give him a shot. You couldn't be sure until you really got to know him, and as far as you could tell he seemed like a sweet, shy guy that was just misunderstood from others.

Just like Philip was.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wesley leaned over and peered into your face, searching for anything to signify that you were paying attention. Your head snapped to his and he jumped away, turning dark blue in the face. A blush? "Y-you zoned out on me," he stuttered.

His face was indeed turning a dark blue that was soon becoming navy, making his light blue eyes even more prominent and gorgeous. Seriously, was that color even real? Blue eyes had never been your favorite color on a person just because not many people in Aaa had them except for Fionna. But, damn, this guy totally changed your perspective real quick.

"Yeah, I just, uh... the sunset was just really pretty, uh, guess I got lost in the colors," you stammered. You weren't completely lying, the sunset was absolutely stunning. It was going to be gone soon and then you would be left in the dark with only the moon providing light. That, and of course, Wesley's strange luminescent body that seemed to project a small blue hue.

He turned to look at the sunset and smiled in approval. "You're right, who wouldn't get caught up in this view?"

You nodded. You and him watched as the sun traveled down below the sea and then turned around to see the moon begin to rise from the opposite end of the sky. It was in a crescent shape like a smiling cheese when you turned your head to the side. "Hey, you wanna see something cool?" he asked, staring at you hopefully.

You couldn't say no to those damning blue eyes, so you happily agreed and prayed he wouldn't lead you to your impending doom. He took your hand and guided you to a cliff where you could see the ocean from under your feet. You approached the cliff's edge and peered down at the crashing waves from below. Wesley came up from behind you and pointed to a glowing lantern in the far distance.

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