A Sacrifice For Them

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"Ah! Ladies! You've got it!" Prince Gumball raced across the room and beamed like a lighthouse at the four of you. Fionna put a hand up to stop him and he halted, cocking his head to the side like a curios puppy.

"I don't know how dangerous this thing is, PG," she said. "Why don't you let me take it to wherever it needs to go."

"Oh, yes, of course. Follow me." He led your group to a large room filled with beakers and Bunsen burners, chemicals and candy mixtures, and sweet smelling sugary goodness. He directed her to put the flower down in a containment vessel that was made of glass and held pressurized air. Once the blossom was in place, the vessel closed itself and sealed the fire flower inside.

"Don't I need to suck the red out of it?" Marshall inquired. "That is legit the only reason I'm here right now."

"Hang on, I need to see how active the plant is. I don't want you to burn your mouth," the candy man said.

"What exactly do you plan on doing with the flower?" Cake asked, propping herself up on a counter top that was laden with papers and books with cryptic and ancient symbols. You doubted that was a safe place to sit. Hell, you doubted this whole room was unsafe for the five of you at one time; one wrong chemical mishap and you would all be done for.

"I'm going to go take off the blue suit," you said, scratching at the sticky clothing. "I'll be right back."

"Bathroom's down the hall," Gumball called to you as you left.

You found the bathroom and stripped yourself off of the protective suit. The inner layer of stickiness remained on your skin and gave off the impression of a shiny turquoise glow. Not knowing what to do with the used suit, you folded it up and carried it back to the lab. Cake opened the door for you and took the suit from your hands, saying that she would wash it for you and then give it back to you.

"Oh, I don't need it," you insisted. "Seriously, you can keep it at the tree house. I don't think I'll ever be back at the Fire Kingdom anyways, so..." Cake gave you a questioning look, but covered it up in hopes that Gumball and Marshall hadn't seen it. She shrugged and kept it.

"Now that Y/N's back, I'm going to go change too," Fionna declared. She moved past you and flashed a cheeky grin, exiting the room cheerfully. "I'll be right back!"

Turning back to the two boys in the opposite corner of the room, you walked casually over to them. Marshall was obviously very bored with whatever Gumball was talking about, yawning and blinking slowly not trying at all to cover up his mood. Finally, Gumball had enough it and huffed, placing his hands on his hips in a sassy manner.

"And the carbon dioxide being released from the petals will create the illusion that smoke is rising from... Marshall, are you even listening to me?" he demanded.

"No, not really," the vampire answered honestly, swinging his feet up into the air and floating around the room. He feigned the interest of some of the scientific titles and covers of some of the books on the high shelves. "Can you get to the part where I eat the color and then not die? That would be great, thanks."

"Marshall, please, you need to know the science behind this kind of energy in the flower. If you don't understand it, then I won't feel comfortable with you involving yourself in this test," he said.

"Why can't you just mumble science mumbo-jumbo to yourself while I float around and try to wreck up your shit," he smirked.

"Because, this is serious!"

"And everything else you've done wasn't?"

While they were bickering, you stepped carefully around the pile of random candy guts on the floor and made your way over to the flower in its containment. You noticed when Gumball first closed it in, it began to shake a little and now, it was shaking quite violently. The glass withholding it had begun to fog up now and the flower was wilting and shaking so intensely, that you were worried something bad was going to happen.

"Hey, uh, Gumball? I think your flower's going to explode," you said.

"Not now Y/N, I need to get Marshall down before he ruins my life's work," the prince growled. The frustration in his tone was obviously directed towards the man who was walking on the ceiling and knocking stuff down, but nonetheless it still stung when he said it to you.

The flower suddenly began to fog the glass up even more. The pressure from the heat inside caused a crack to go across the glass, frightening you and making you stumble back. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a beaker with dangerous looking substances inside overflow and tumble down the table. The green liquid flowed down a stack of books, onto some scribbled notes, and finally onto the table with the blossom.

To your utter horror, it got the bottom of the containment vessel and began to sizzle. You suspected the heat from the foggy glass was mixing in with the strange green liquid and you were right. The liquid bubbled at the bottom of the base, slowly crawled its way up the glass, and infiltrated the small space in between the crack. There was absolutely no way this was good.

"Gumball... I-I don't think it's supposed to be doing this," you stuttered.

The prince finally turned around to look at you and his eyes filled with wild fear. "Y/N, get out of there!"

But it was too late. The mix of pressure from the inside of the glass and the green liquid from the crack ignited a loud and spontaneous explosion. You fell to the ground, hitting your head on the table and felt a searing and agonizingly painful burning sensation hit your skin. It was as if the sun was sitting right next to you and there was nothing you could do to stop its vicious heat from harming you. You wanted to scream and call out for help, but there wasn't energy in you to do anything. The only thing you could do was curl up in a ball and bear through it.

Through the wild roaring in your ears from the fire and the smoke, you could just faintly hear the distant shouting of your friends. Another loud whoosh blasted in your ears and you were tugged upwards forcefully by a pair of strong arms that scooped you up by your armpits and dragged you out of the deadly room. Once out of the furnace, you instantly were relieved to feel the cool air of the outside world hit your face and body. It was enough to calm you down but it still didn't stop your skin from continuing to sting.

"Oh my glob, what happened? Gumball, what did you do?" Fionna demanded to know.

"I-I didn't do anything! Well, not on purpose anyway-"

"This ain't looking too good for the sweet pea," Cake interrupted him.

"Okay, listen up! We don't have time to wonder about what happened, what we need to worry about is what to do next. I'm not Doctor Prince, but these burns look pretty serious to me, so I suggest we call some help and not just sit around like toads on a log!" Marshall huffed. "Gumball, call DP; Fionna call Flame Prince and see if he'll come over to, I don't know, deduce the damage? Cake, help me get Y/N in a room and out of this open hallway. And while we're at it, maybe get someone to put out the fire in there too."

Two loud pairs of footsteps pounded down the hallway and you were lifted up again by the same pair of arms that were undoubtedly Marshall's. Him and Cake murmured unintelligible words that you were too weak to understand. A door creaked open and you were placed on a gentle, fluffy mattress that your body immediately sunk into. The squeal of a chair against a hard floor echoed in the room and Cake hissed in discomfort from the sound.

"Glob, chick, you really got scorched, didn't you?" he sighed. "You just hang on to your pretty little life. Wouldn't want you dying on us, now would we?"

Even in your semi-conscious state, you could still hear the unwavering smirk in his voice, that for once you didn't mind.

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