The Fight To The Finish... For Who?

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It was easy to get past the girls and convince them to let you get by, and it was even easier telling them that you wanted plenty of time to clear your mind and that you'd be gone for a long time, maybe a few hours... maybe all night.

The chilly breeze had been getting colder the more and more you had gone to the shore, forcing you to pull out one of your heavier jackets. Unfortunately for you, in your midst of blind distress, you didn't even think about it and went out in nothing but a loose long-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of jeans that Cake sewed herself a while back. The wind was picking up, the clouds were looking quite unforgiving in the distance and you were soon regretting your decision to go out when a perfect blue silhouette glowed faintly on the waves. Literally, on the waves. Wesley was walking off of the waves making his way to the sandy beach with a small dose of concern tracing his face. He was looking back and forth, seemingly trying to find a reason as to why he was there. There, he saw you peering hopefully and frighteningly at him, and then began running towards him as he stepped onto the sand.

You crashed into his solid body, hugging him and withholding all of your tears from him. He stumbled for a moment and with a slight chuckle as he hugged you back and squeezed you just as much. "Something wrong?" he asked you once you pulled away.

"I had to get out of my house for a bit," you said. "I, uh, I couldn't stand being away from you for too long." It was lie, a big fat sucker lie, but you knew it would work on him.

He gushed and tossed you a goofy smirk, taking both of your hands and holding them in the middle of your two bodies. He put his head on your head, allowing you to rest yours on his chest as the waves crashed around you and the wind blew your hair around. You were in the middle of a storm around the darkest part of the night... yeah, your night was definitely going to go swell.

"I felt your pull urging me to the shore before you even approached the beach," he said. "Why did you summon me? I know it wasn't because you really wanted to see me that bad."

He wasn't lying, you weren't really feeling the distant ache that couples feel when they go too long without seeing each other. The first and last time you guys had kissed, you made it clear to him that you two wouldn't be together because it was too early for you to be in a romantic relationship after, what you called, a tragic heartache occurred to you. He didn't push as to what the heartache was and didn't press you for any details either, calmly letting it slide and agreeing to stay patient for you to learn to love him.

"No, I just needed to get out of my house for a bit," you sighed. "I just needed an excuse for my friends and I assumed that if I went to the beach, you would be here like you said you'd be if I ever came. And here you are finding me, just like you said you would! I mean, not like I knew you'd be here, but I just thought that what you said would be true because you said it, and so far you haven't given me a reason not to trust you yet." Your words flew out like bullets and by the end of your little speech, he was chuckling and smiling at you as if you were a kid learning how to say big words for the first time. His face was so heartwarming and gentle that you laughed at yourself too.

"You're right, he hasn't given you a reason not to trust him yet. But I will."

You and Wesley spun to see... Philip.

He wore a strangled, crippled, and spiteful look towards Wesley. His eyes looked visibly stressed the way any monarch's eyes should look when he's put on too much work. His clothes, shirt wrinkled and pants a little baggy as if he's lost some weight. The most prominent thing was his head where he beheld a bright and shiny crown with ruby gems and amber gems scattered in ornate and intricate patterns, all ablaze and glistening atop his flaming head. He looked like the most handsome king you had ever seen besides Marshall perhaps.

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