A Diplomatic Trip For Him

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You woke up to the smell of fresh strawberries. The smell wasn't foreign to your nose, but it always came with a particular body accompanying it. Peering your eyelids open, you were met with a red pair gazing right back at you. Not startled at all by the sudden invasion of privacy, you rolled over and waved the vampire away.

"Marshall, why are you here so early?" you croaked, voice heavy from sleep.

"Why else would I be here so early?" he grinned, cocking his head to the side.

"Well," you began, flipping back over to face him, "I know I'm not late to meet with Fionna and Cake since it's only around eight o'clock and I still have and hour to get ready, so you couldn't possibly be here to wake me up. You must want something." You took a deep breath in and let out a yawn. "And you smell like strawberries, so that means you've fed recently."

He let out an amused chuckle and leaned closer to you, smiling in your face. "Look at you go, little detective. And how fast you were at figuring that out too."

"Thanks," you rolled your eyes. "Listen, help yourself to some more strawberries in the fridge if you want. I've got some apples in there as well, but since you woke me up I'm going to get dressed which means you need to get the hell out of my room."

"Alright," he shrugged, that damned smile still on his face. "I'll be in your kitchen. Scream if you need help."

"Trust me, I won't," you reassured him none too kindly. He floated away and out the door of your room, down the hallway and you heard the creak of the fridge door open and close. You hoisted yourself out of bed and drug yourself into the closet, changing into something you deemed the most suitable for your encounter with the fiery monarch and his kingdom. Grabbing your guitar by instinct, you sucked in a breath and put it back down. Didn't want your wooden instrument bursting into ashes upon entering the kingdom.

Marshall met you by the bottom of the stairs and tossed you an apple. You grabbed it in the air and took a large bite, chomping down on the surface. He put up his umbrella before leaving the house and let the shadow protect his body. You shut the door and made your way with him to Fi and Cake's tree house. All the while, he was trying to make small talk with you which you tolerated even if it was still too early to your standards.

"Ready to encounter the fearsome fire prince?" he asked.

"He's not fearsome, according to Fionna," you smirked. "If he was so scary, I think she would've cut off his head a long time ago."

"Maybe," he shrugged. "I've known the guy's mom longer than I have him. She was evil five hundred years ago and I bet she's still evil now."

"Good thing we don't have to deal with her, huh?" you said.

He hummed and continued to keep floating with the umbrella graciously covering all of him. You kept walking along with him in silence when he spoke up again. "Do you think Fionna's going to have a fit when she sees him again?"

"What? No! Marshall, they're friends. Friends don't freak out about other friends being in the same presence around them," you said.

"You know what I mean," he grinned sheepishly. "It's always awkward around exes, even if they have agreed to be friends. That intimacy they once had is gone, and that makes things worse when you see someone you used to fu-"

"Okay, I don't think Fionna and FP did Tier Fifteen when they were dating," you said, quickly cutting him off. A blush rose to your cheeks and you looked away from him to try and hide it. "I-I don't even think that's possible for her to endure."

Marshall chuckled and glanced at you from the corner of his eyes. "You wanna bet?"

You gasped and smacked his arm, blushing harder. "Marshall Lee!"

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