Her Visit

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Flame Prince woke up on a bright sunny morning expecting nothing but an average, boring day like any other. Check over with the Royal Fire Militia, done. Test some new rhymes with some of his advisors, yup. Read some of the biased newspapers that target weak princes that have no control over their small kingdoms, lame but accomplished. Try and pinpoint possible weak links with alliances and attempt to mend the diplomatic bond, such as the Slime Kingdom and Breakfast Kingdom, even though they clearly dislike the hotheaded prince... the list went on.

But while on his throne that was so conveniently placed in the center of the grand entrance, he heard the guards open the door and walk stoically into the room. His advisor stopped talking and looked up with his prince, eyeing the royal guard in his presence. The guard bowed once and raised his head to meet his royal authority.

"My prince," he spoke, "you have visitors who come on behalf of Prince Gumball of the Candy Kingdom."

Flame Prince scoffed and gagged, never liking to her the man's name uttered by anyone in his kingdom. "Bring them in, I guess." He never knew what to expect with these kinds of visits. People who came on "behalf" of another person tended to be liars, and still being new to the royal responsibilities he had it was often hard to tell between an earnest person or a sneaky thief wanting money.

The guard left and returned with a two lovely ladies that he had seen far too often. Fionna stood under his stupefied gaze and you stood to her left. Your eyes met his and you smiled, a quick lift of your cheek and then kept your face neutral. The blonde haired hero however, stepped forward and curtsied not breaking her formal facade.

To keep himself from bursting into laughter, he covered his mouth in a cough and cleared his throat. He righted himself in his throne and made his features as still and poised as he could. From his peripheral vision, he saw your head swivel gently from side to side clearing taking in the interior of the castle. The curiosity in your features was cute in his eyes, and he had to pry his eyes away from you to keep his royal persona. "Fionna the Human, what has brought you here on account of Prince Gumball of the Candy Kingdom."

"The prince wishes to obtain a particular species of plant that only grows in your region of Aaa," she said.

"And what might that be?"

"A fire flower," she said.

He pretended to ponder over the request and then nodded. "What does he want with one of my flowers?"

"Only for one of his scientific experiments," she answered. "He has a passion for science, as most everyone knows."

Flame Prince rolled his eyes and leaned his arm on the arm rest of his throne. Images of him being trapped in a lamp passed fiercely and tormentingly in his mind but flashed quickly behind his eyelids. He shuddered understanding just how scientific and paranoid the candy man could get. "I know. Did he give any other clues as to what he wished to do with it?"

"No, sir," she said. FP gulped and blushed at the formality. His hair spiked up in height for a small moment, but then returned to its normal flame. He caught you cover your mouth and withhold a giggle, and your bright eyes gleamed at him with a secret message only he could interpret. The small gesture made his nerves ease. Seeing you relaxed made him relax instantly.

"I see," he nodded. "Follow me to the gardens, please."

Fionna looked back at you and you quickly shuffled to her and side, following after him. Flame Prince waved at the advisor and shrugged. "I'll be back soon, don't let the castle drown while I'm gone."

The advisor grinned at his prince and shifted into the throne. "I will try not to, my prince," he said winked at the man with assurance. FP laughed and allowed the temporary leader to boss around the throne room for a short while.

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