The Will To Save Him

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You awoke on the beach coughing up an inhuman load of sand and sea water from the previous night. When you turned over and found your best friend passed out on the shore next to you with an unhealthy blue hue and an almost extinguished out body, you nearly vomited. You crawled over to his side and plopped your weak body down next to him and began to try shake him awake in hopes that maybe he wasn't as far gone as you thought he was.

"Philip, wake up!" you cried to him. "Please, please, please, wake up!"


You whipped your head up and saw Marshall, Prince Gumball, Fionna, Cake, and several of Philip's council running straight towards you. Fionna and some of the medics fell down next to you and him. The men administered several shots of sparking adrenaline and other means of regeneration, working to rekindle his body to get any sort of reaction out of him but nothing seemed to work. Fionna tried in vain to get you to go with her and go home to give you proper medication for your own ailments, but you yanked out of her grip and stayed by his side.

"There has to be something we can do!" you insisted. "I'm not losing him! I'm not letting go!"

"Y/N, please, he's in good hands now," she urged you. "C'mon, you're not well. You've been out here for who knows how long and we need to get you home-"

"No! I'm not leaving until I see him open his eyes! I'm not leaving him vulnerable again, Fionna!" The tears were now threatening to fall and blind your vision but you blinked them back and refused to start bawling like a baby now. You were fully aware that your frail emotions wouldn't do anyone any good at a time like this. "I did it before and it was the biggest mistake of my life. He's in trouble and I am staying by his side until he's better."

"Y/N, please-"


The others saw no point in trying to stop you since you were so determined in staying, so they made the executive decision to stop deterring you and start helping you. One by one, Marshall, Gumball, and Cake sat around you and Fionna and the many assistants to help get their king up. Marshall even provided the most amount of shade he could from his umbrella without completely exposing himself to the sun's rays.

"Nothing's working so far," one of the men said, raking a hand through his disheveled flaming locks. "We're going to have to take him back to the kingdom and put him through the Furnace."

"What's that?" Marshall asked. 

"It's the hottest part of our kingdom," another said. "Only those of extraordinary fire elemental capabilities can handle the intense heat. We would have to put our king under strict quarantine until further notice."

"But would it be safe to risk him to such high concentrated heat when he's so extinguished already?" Gumball inquired.

There it was. That word: extinguished. So, he admitted that this was your best friend had come to: just a pile of dying embers. You knew it yourself but you didn't want to be the one to say it out loud. In your mind you still had hope that he wasn't as far gone as he appeared; in your mind you knew that there was still a little more fight left in him; in your mind he still had one hell of a chance. While Gumball and Fionna mainly argued against the medics and assistants about what to do, you reached down and cupped his cold cheeks in your hands. Your heads were nearly nose to nose with each other and you smiled to his blank expression with faith in him. 

"Hey man." You whispered loud enough for the others not to notice but just so that maybe he could hear you wherever he was in there. "You can't be giving up on me now. We've been through so much in the last night for you to just call it quits. I know there's still something in that body and mind of yours and I know there's a guy in there who wants to keep living and wants to keep proving his worth to everyone else. C'mon Philip, you worked too damn hard and fought too damn long to just die here on the beach with all these people bickering around you and wondering what to do. So just... just wake up for me, please." Then, you did the least expected thing you could ever think of in that moment.

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