An Adventure For Him

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"I'm here, I'm here!" you called to your small group of friends, who were huddled around the side of the grand room. Racing up to meet them, you quickly mumbled an apology and presented yourself more suitably. "Sorry, I was so tired I guess I forgot about... wait, why am I here again?"

"We have another adventure," Fionna said glumly, which was quite unusual for her.

Your face fell into a perturbed and dissatisfied expression with her. Of course, you would be called out in the middle of the night for a stupid adventure about something or other. And for no other reason than His Royal Highness, Prince Gumball. His face gave away the embarrassment of the situation as he tried to convey his matter to you.

"I'm sorry to spring this up at an inopportune time-" he started, but you were not having a single second of his excuses.

"Cut the bullshit and tell me what is it you want?" you snapped.

He sighed and wrung his hands together in a act of distress. "My work has been delayed by the very place I am not welcome. Unless I am there only on a matter of strict diplomacy, I may not kindly enter."

"The Fire Kingdom?" you interpreted. "What the hell do you need from there?"

"A fire flower," he said.

You physically resisted the urge to slap him and face palm yourself. Honestly, sometimes you could stand the guy. Other times, like this one, you were not completely opposed to the idea of Marshall sucking his pink body dry. He called you all the way out from your secret rendezvous with FP just to have you go back to the very man you just left. Oh, if you weren't keeping your friendship between the both of you a secret, you would blow up in Gumball's face about his oh-so impeccable timing.

At least you now understood why Fionna was so out of character. Even though her and Flame Prince had resorted to being friends, it never failed to be anything but a little awkward between them no matter what the situation. If she were to go to the Fire Kingdom alone with only Cake as her one companion, it might get... tense.

"You want me to go to the Fire Kingdom with Fionna?" you clarified. "For a flower that literally grows by the dozens at the place." He nodded sheepishly. You groaned from the top of the ceiling to the floor and covered your eyes with your hands. This man was going to be the literal death of you. "Then why in the world do we need Marshall Lee?"

"I gotta suck the red out of the flower, sweetie," the vampire grinned. "So it doesn't hurt the princey-pants and burn him alive."

Gumball glowered at the man, but the other only grinned with defiant triumph. PG turned back to you, an apologetic frown on his lips. "I know, it's late and you're probably upset due to the sudden emergency, but I need you to understand the urgency in my dilemma."

"Look, PG," you said, "We can get the flower. But can I at least know why you need the thing? So we can give a reason to the prince?"

"A simple test. An experiment." He shrugged as if to say What else is new?

"Fine," you sighed aggressively. "How much time do I have?"

"Two days at most," he said. "Maybe tomorrow, if you could."

"Great," you murmured. "Tomorrow it is."

Fionna, sensing your growing aggravation and sinking tolerance for the candy prince, took you by the arm and slowly backed away towards the big, grand doors of the Candy Castle. "O-okay, Your Highness, we better get some rest if we're going to be meeting with Phil- I mean Flame Prince," she gulped nervously.

"Thank you girls," he smiled gratefully. "I really do appreciate it."

Once outside, you growled in frustration and raked your hands through your hair. "How? Why does Gumball think that it's a good idea for FP's ex and his best friend to go meet him for 'diplomatic duties' on behalf of his own enemy?" you cried.

"On his part, he doesn't know that you and him are friends," she said quietly.

Cake lifted the both of you onto her back and stretched up to the sky to begin the walk home. "Still! Who gave him the idea to purposefully put the both of us up to this? Why couldn't he just send a messenger for the job?"

Fionna sucked in a shaky breath and laughed uneasily. "I may or may not have made you the diplomatic messenger on his part."

You glared at her and frowned. "You. Did. What?"

"Well," she began, shifting onto her side and folding over her skirt, "You do come with me a lot when we go visit other kingdoms on behalf of Gumball, so I just asked him if he wanted a more permanent one and I... suggested you do it."


"What! I'm already Aaa's greatest hero, I can't be the messenger girl too and I thought that maybe you'd want something more productive to do since you tend to have a lot of time on your hands." 

"Fi, if you would have asked me to be the messenger girl than I would've accepted but you didn't have to sneak around me," you scorned. "I'd be glad to take some of the load off of you. You especially shouldn't be forced to go see him if you don't want to even if it is for diplomatic business."

"It's fine," Fionna sighed aggressively, tucking away the signature blonde bang away from her face. "I shouldn't really care. I mean, it's not like I'm going to go see Philip personally, I'm just going to go get something from his kingdom."

Despite the tone of voice, her words were actually true. It wasn't like Gumball had sent you to butter up the prince; literally, all you needed was a flower and then you would be out. This really shouldn't be counted as an adventure. It was strictly diplomatic business, as he had put it. Then why did it feel so personal to you and Fionna?

You scoffed and folded your arms over your chest. "Whatever, we'll just go tomorrow, get the flower, and get out. There's no reason to make it anymore complicated than it needs to be."

"Stop by the tree house, so you can get a fireproof suit. It's a hot place."

"The hottest place in Aaa," you chuckled weakly. "We're going to need some protection."

Cake shrunk down to the ground and dropped you off at your little house near the edge of the woods. You strummed a few bright cords as Fionna bade you goodbye and Cake grew back to her huge size to stomp off towards the tree house.

You opened your door and played a certain key that instantly ignited all the lights in your house. You played another cord and the kitchen lights, bathroom lights, and the hallway lights dimmed until all that was left were your bedroom lights. The lamp lights that activated by sound were a joy to have and you were so grateful for Marshall having so many friends, no matter how weird and strange they may be. If they knew some magic and could hook you up with a few tricks it was never a burden to have them teach you a few things.

Gently placing down your guitar at the foot of your bed, you stripped yourself of your street clothes and put on more comfortable clothes. When your body sank into the bed it was like a switch turned off in your mind, putting you to rest immediately. You didn't mind at all and let your brain slip into dream world, knowing you had to have as much energy to put up a full facade for tomorrow's activity.

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