A Moment With Him

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You quietly strummed cord after cord on your guitar, not a care in the world nor a thought on your mind. The night sky was filled with an abundance of bright stars that were sparkling like stage lights. The moon was up with them, illuminating your instrument in a lovely glow giving you just enough light to be able to see the strings as you played. It didn't even occur to you that your friend was supposed to be with you until a faint glow and strong warmth began to seep through the darkness of the night.

"You're late," you mumbled, not looking up from your guitar.

The person sighed and soon you were nearly overwhelmed by intense heat. "I know," Flame Prince said. "My advisors wouldn't let me leave."

Shrugging unenthusiastically, you continued to look down at the strings and kept on playing lightly. He sighed again and resisted the urge to put his arm around your shoulder, lest he burn you on accident. It wouldn't be the first time. Instead, he listened to the melody and softly began to hum along. Your fingers moved gingerly across the neck of the guitar, plucking strings and strumming them. Flame Prince seemed to be lost in the rhythm, swaying gently and only humming harmony when you would play melody.

Your head looked up for the first time since he arrived. It always fascinated you how someone so cool and collected could have such a soft and deep side. The poor prince was always depicted as a hothead ruler who could never hold his composure, when really it was the exact opposite. FP could keep his shit together a lot longer than PG could any day; that was a fact.

His charcoal black eyes closed in bliss as his head leaned back to the soft groove of the song. When you finally finished the last measure and put down your guitar, he was staring right at you. You stared back and finally broke the look by giving him a small smile and a wink. He turned back to look at the sky with a small smile of his own adorning his face.

"You know," he whispered, "I love it when nights are like this."


"And peaceful," he added. "When it's just you and me, your guitar, and the night all co-existing at one perfect moment."

You nodded in agreement. Then a thought came to you, which made you turn to look at him with playful skepticism. "I hope you're not just practicing poetry on me," you said. "I know you have a way with words, but you don't have to be philosophical all the time."

He chuckled and shrugged, sending a stray lock of fiery hair into his face and over his eyes. "I'm not trying to be."

"I know."

The silence returned and you just sat there. Looking over at him, you carefully brushed back the flaming piece of hair away from his eyes. You pulled back your hand quickly as to not burn yourself and smiled in satisfaction at the little style you managed to put on his head.

"How are you and the others?" He asked, completely unfazed by what you did to his hair.

"As good as we can be," you replied. "Marshall's always getting on Gumball's nerves and Cake is constantly breaking the two up. Fionna loves getting herself sucked up in an adventure too big for herself. And I'm sneaking out of my house to come meet you every night, so I guess it's basically the same."

He smiled longingly and pulled his knees up to his chest like a child. You pulled your own legs up crisscross style. "I wish I could keep you company during the day."

"I know you do," you sympathized. "But your kingdom is still getting used to your authority and you're still getting used to having all the responsibility fall on you. Leading is hard, Gumball knows."

He frowned sourly at the other's name. "Sure, ruling over a bunch of sugar gnomes must be so difficult," he sassed. You brought a hand over your lips to stifle your laughter, but a snort ending up escaping. He smirked victoriously in your direction at the little noise.

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