An Informal Greeting With Him

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The day after Flame Prince had left in his fiery rage and new empowerment, Fionna and Cake had stopped by to give you a basket of special creams that were so generously payed for by Gumball from Doctor Prince. They were supposed to heal your scars and hopefully over time, your skin would show no signs of injury from them; however, DP had never used them on a human before, so the results could vary on you. You were willing to take the risk if it meant getting your skin back and maybe reversing the affect of Gumball's experiment on you.

The sun was beginning to show its early signs of slumber as the sky streaked itself with pinks, reds, and golden colors. The windows let in a nice breeze that you deeply appreciated, one that smelled of pumpkins and crisp autumn apples. As much as you willed your mind away with thoughts of Flame Prince, he was right. Fall was almost here and soon winter would be right around the corner. Shrugging on a jacket and strapping your guitar onto your back, you made your way outside of your house and to the beach, where you could catch another fresh wave of cool air.

For living right around the beach front, you had only been to the beach a handful of times with Fionna and Cake, and one very weird time with Marshall when his umbrella had been blown away by the beach breeze and he had to be ushered home with a palm frond (that was interesting). And still, you had never been by yourself. Gumball had told you once that every so often he would go down by the shore after the sun went down to just walk. Sometimes he could hear the faint plucks of a harp just beyond the shore and into the depths of the rocky cavern that was just barely visible over the horizon. All of those fairy tale whispers sounded like nonsense to you even in the Land of Aaa.

You fitted yourself on a smooth rock, weathered down from years of being in the tide's path. The tide seemed to be coming in, but you hoped it wouldn't be too late before you left. All you wanted was to play a little bit before you went home and hopefully found a way to restore the good inside of your lost and broken friend. One note turned to two, two turned to three, and before you knew it, you had played a full song for an invisible audience. It was all fun and relaxed until you heard clapping that wasn't just coming from the waves in the sea.

"You're really good with that thing," a voice spoke out in the darkness of the night.

"Who are you?" you asked the disembodied voice. The sun was almost gone below the waves and the darkness was not appreciated to add to the scene already.

A blue figure appeared from behind a nearby dune. He had a blue hoodie and dark pants on with shoes that resembled the appearance of a sand dollar. The hood hid the figure's face, only revealing a small piece of hair that held the color of seaweed green and ocean blue in its mix. Judging by tone of voice and body shape, this being was indeed a male.

You flopped off your rock and fell on the sand, a small exclamation escaping you. The figure, whoever it was, gasped and approached you with a kind of strange comfort. Surely you hadn't seen this person before...

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," he apologized, getting down on his knees and offering you a hand.

Ignoring his polite gesture, you stood up and put your guitar above your head ready to swing. No way were you going to trust this guy until you found out who he was and what he was doing spying on you like a creeper. Stranger danger, that's what Cake always warned. "I asked you once, I'm not going to ask again," you hissed. "Who. Are. You."

The hooded figure pulled back his hood and revealed a coral crown with sparkling pearls adorning the fixture. Around his neck was another set of pearls in the form of a necklace with a golden charm of a sea star in the middle. His eyes were the biggest, sweetest, most gentle kind of blue you could ever imagine. One word revolved around his aura: prince.

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