The Struggle For Him

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After your little chat with Flame Prince, he seemed to have lightened up a little bit and started some hearty banter while walking down the halls. As you and him passed by servants and maids, they snickered and bowed at their prince. He would smile shyly back at them and nod, and keep talking to you. They would glance at you and whisper to each other, giggle some more and swoon at the both of you. When they did this, you would look to him for an answer but he would just shrug and blush lightly.

"Seriously, why won't you tell me?" you giggled, finding his red cheeks amusing to you. "Why do they keep looking at us?"

"I said, I don't know!" he chuckled back, shoving you away playfully. You stumbled to the side and caught yourself on the wall, propelling yourself back into his shoulder. He took the hit with a grunt and stumbled himself. "I guess they're just excited that I'm hanging out with another girl besides Fionna. I was pretty angry and depressed after our break-up, so it's good to have a girl back in the castle to them."

"Hey, Philip?"


"You ever rap about me?" you asked smugly, wiggling your eyebrows at him. When his hair shot up a foot and a half you busted out into laughter. He shoved you again, but you kept laughing. "Is that a yes?"

"Maybe," he mumbled. "But you'll never know that."

"Not unless I go ask one of your servants," you smiled impishly.

He shot you a look that sent a shiver through you. "You. Wouldn't. Dare."

"Try me." Before he could even blink, you bolted through the halls in search of his advisor. He called after you and began to chase you down the halls seeing you weren't intending on stopping. You were at a slight disadvantage since you had no idea where to go, but that didn't stop you from slowing down as you cut corners and slipping into sneaky passageways, desperately attempting to avoid him. Every time you tried to hide, he found you and you had to quickly get away and keep running. The blue suit didn't help with your camouflage act; you stuck out like a flare in the night.

Finally, you made it to a room full of dim mood lighting. Along the floors were rows and rows of brightly glimmering and shining yellow and red flowers. They swayed in the unknown breeze that blew around the room, giving them a beauty that could only be described as pure. On every row was a fire maid with baskets and baskets of the gorgeous foliage, harvesting only the most precious ones. This must have been the gardens FP was talking about for. The scene would've made you freeze, but a hot hand on your forearm and on your waist beat you to it.

"Gotcha," Flame Prince breathed into your ear. His hands lifted you up and soon you were squealing and laughing in the room, him spinning you around bridal style. The people who were previously very concentrated on their task looked up and glared at the both of you. Several shushed the two of you and scowled. Flame Prince set you down gently and smoothed out his attire, clearing his throat and waving his hand apologetically. "Sorry, ladies," he smiled remorsefully.

You were still calming down from your laughing high, wiping tears from your eyes. "Come on, we have to find Fionna."

"It looks like she isn't in here," he said. "That servant probably took her back to the throne room."

Flame Prince took you by the hand and led you down the halls again until you both made it back to your original starting point. Sure enough, Fionna was there and she was chatting with the maid who took her to the gardens. The advisor on Flame Prince's throne was sitting plainly bored on top of the throne tapping his fingers on the arm rest. FP snapped his fingers and the man obediently and gratefully got up from the seat.

"It's a boring life you lead, sir," he said bluntly.

"Only when you're in charge," Philip smirked. Before he got back on the his seat, Fionna came up to him and hugged him. His body turned rigid for a moment, but he soon accepted the hug and squeezed her back with equal force. "I missed you, Fi."

"I miss you too, Philip," she whispered. "It was good to see you again."

Something in your head snapped and you suddenly got very angry. Heat bubbled furiously in your chest and you had to look away from them to maintain your cool. Seeing the two of them embrace each other set some emotion off in your brain and sent the passion down to your heart. You knew they were just friends, so why did you feel so... jealous?

After a brief moment, they pulled away and he grinned warmly at her. "It's good to see you in one piece."

She giggled and a light pink hue graced her cheeks, making you more impatient by the second. "Okay, we better head out now," you grumbled, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the doors. "It was good to see you, Flame Prince." You always used his real name and the look of bewilderment that went over his face clearly displayed his astonishment when you didn't.

"See you later." He barely got a chance to say those words before the guards slammed the doors shut and you and Fionna walked back to the border. When you glanced over at her face, you saw she was smiling to herself and gently hugging the flower to her chest. "What are you smiling about?" you sneered.

"Hmm?" she asked. "Oh, I was just looking at the flower. The gardens the maid took me to were absolutely stunning! Y/N, you should've seen it," she swooned.

"Yeah, I guess I should have," you muttered.

"Hey, Cake! Marshall! We got the flower!" Fionna ran up to the two and held out the plant. "I don't know how much time we have until it wilts or even if it will, but we better get going."

"Let's go then," Marshall said, gripping his umbrella. "I'm sure Gumwad's patience is wearing thin."

"Hop on." With a scowl still stuck on your face, you got onto Cake's back after Fionna and sat down. Marshall flew up next to you and sat down, allowing his umbrella to also cover your body along with his. You mumbled appreciatively and looked the other way. He seemed to ignore the mood you were in and pleasantly talked with the blonde hero. The whole time you were glaring aggressively at the skyline as anger bubbled inside of you like a volcano.

"I can't believe I have to drink the red out of that," Marshall grimaced.

"I can't imagine what Gumball needs it for," Cake shrugged.

"I can't believe how pretty this thing is," Fionna gushed.

"I can't believe he's still not over her yet," you muttered to yourself.

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