Her Repercussions

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The last thing Flame Prince wanted to get a call about was reports of you getting burned by one of his own blossoms. The idea sounded ludicrous in his head and he demanded to know what was the cause of it. It certainly wouldn't be the carelessness Gumball had exhibited to one of the most dangerous plants on Aaa. But to his complete outrage, that's exactly what it was.

The story had been repeated multiple times for both Doctor Prince and himself when two of them arrived at the Candy Kingdom. The event came from all perspectives excluding Fionna, who was not in the room. Marshall and Gumball admitted to having the major blame for the accident and were willing to do almost anything to prove their most gracious apologies to the two other royals, for both bothering them and causing harm against one of the only humans left in Aaa, which was deemed one of the highest offenses in all of the land.

Doctor Prince and Flame Prince both issued the wounds as severe second-degree burns and ordered maximum rest and constant watch of infection must be obtained throughout the healing process. You protested that you would be fine without a care taker, but Flame Prince and Doctor Prince both objected strongly to the idea. FP volunteered to watch over you at least for a couple of days until you were strong enough to take care of yourself again, and to his surprise, Doctor Prince agreed with him. Not to his surprise, Gumball disagreed with the both of them.

"Fire started this whole thing to begin with, I just don't think it would be wise for her to stay with you," he said.

"No, your abuse of my fire started this whole thing to begin with. I can control my fire now, no thanks to you, Gumball. She's safest with me," Flame Prince argued. "Need I remind you that none of this would have happened if you would have told me what all of this was for. Why did you want one of my fire flowers?"

"Philip, I-"

"Why did you want one of my flowers," he seethed. "I will not repeat myself again."

The candy man took a deep breath before he looked him dead in the eyes. "I wanted to mix an elixir that would make the subject of it fireproof. I thought that if I could make something that could get others closer to you, they wouldn't be so afraid of you. I wouldn't be so worried of someone getting hurt because of you." His eyes darted quickly to you and Fionna.

Flame Prince's eyebrows twiched and it took him a conscience effort not to lash out at the man standing before him. Gumball had the nerve to call him dangerous? After what happened because of you today, he had the audacity to accuse him of being the unsafe one. And all for an elixir to help others feel more secure around him.

"Bubba, I don't think you had to do that. It sounds like this wasn't going to work from the start," Marshall chimed in. He had been leaning against the wall next to your bed the whole time, not saying a word up until now. "If Y/N wouldn't have gotten hurt, then I certainly would have. My mouth would be scorched from the top to my tongue."

"What do you mean?" Doctor Prince inquired.

"He wanted me to have suck the red out of the flower once it was brought back here," he explained.

"You wanted him to what?" That was it, Flame Prince had finally snapped. "Are you serious? That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard all day today. You wanted Marshall to suck the red out of a plant that has literal flames sprouting from the top of it? What were hoping to accomplish?"

"I believed it would make the blossom less fatal to the touch," Gumball said.

Flame Prince laughed sourly. "I can tell you what would have happened if he would have done just that. He either would have numbed all senses that travel taste to the throat and tongue, or he would have devoured the fire that inhabits the flower and it would have burned him from the inside out and killed him."

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