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Before I knew it, it was lunch. "So we have lunch now, right?" Suzie asked. "Yep. The only problem is that we have no where to sit." I said. "What are you talking about? I told you that you could sit with me before!" Hunter said poking me from behind. "Oh yeah" I laughed. "Wait, where did you just come from?" I asked. "My class is literally right next to your class." He laughed. I said oh and laughed too. 

"You're Suzie, right?" Hunter asked. "Yep. The one and only" She chuckled. "Nice. So are you guys cousins or something? All 4 of you in the office today have the same last name" He asked. We both started laughing. "No, we're not cousins. We're all sisters. Mickey, Suzie and I are triplets. Then Bloom is our half sister." 

"Oh my god that is so cool! I've never met triplets before! I thought they were all a lie" He laughed. We laughed at him. "We don't really look like each other do we?" Suzie asked. "No, not at all" He got shy and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's okay. No need to be shy now" I laughed and ran my hand through his hair. He laughed and messed up my hair also. "Let's go. I'll introduce you to my friends" He said. He grabbed by hand and we all walked to the cafeteria. 

"Over here!" He called. He sat down at a table and we followed. "Oh hey guys!" Mickey said. "So Mark, found yourself a lover girl finally?" Hunter joked. Mickey's face got red and Mark slabbed Hunter's arm. We all sat down. "So guys, this is Kaysie and Suzie. Kaysie and Suzie, these are the guys. Mark, Blake, Ariel, Loren, Danielle, Troy, and James" 

"Nice to meet you all" I said. "Hunter, can I talk to you babe?" Loren said. "Sure" They got up and left to the hallway. 'Babe?' are they dating? "So guys, is it true? That in culinary you get to eat all the food you make?" Suzie asked. "Yes! Omg it's so good! I have it next and I honestly love it so much!" Ariel said. "Omg you're in the same class with us!" Mickey said. Ariel smiled and squealed. "Yay! New friends! Finally there are girls in culinary. Our class is mainly boys. Loren and I are the only girls, beside some other chick i don't know." 

"You guys are sisters with Bloom, right?" Blake asked. We nodded. "She's been getting so many people after her. They all want to get in her pants so i'd make sure to keep an eye on her" He warned. "Thank you so much! We'll make sure to keep her secure!" I said. He smiled and continued to eat his pizza. Hunter and Loren came back and he looked very upset. "Dani come to the bathroom with me" Loren said and they walked away. 

"Is everything okay?" I whispered to Hunter. "It's fine. She's just not to fond of you I guess" He said. Then he grabbed my hand under the table, "But it's okay" He smiled at me. I looked to the side and saw Troy and James staring down a table of 5 kids. 4 boys and a girl. "I'll be back" They said as they took a milk carton with them.  

They went over to the kids and dumped the milk on one of the boys. "Troy!" The kid yelled. "What toothless?? You didn't think you were going to get away from me today did you?" He laughed. "Back off Troy! Leave us alone!" A boy yelled. Then James took the other kids salad and dumped it on his head. "Oh, frog face! You thought you could talk back to Troy?!" James laughed. I've had enough. I let go of Hunters hand and ran up to them. 

"Leave them the fuck alone you idiotic 12 year old's" I yelled. Everyone stared at me and Troy went up to me. "Try me new girl" He laughed. I laughed and pushed him out of the way. "Are you guys okay?" I asked the kids. "I told you to try me new kid!" Troy yelled. I got the toothless kid some napkins and i helped get the salad off of the frog face kid. 

I felt a tug at my hair. I turned around and punched him in the face. It was James. He landed on the ground with anger in his eyes. Troy bolted at me and I kicked him in the groin. James got up and ran to me. I pushed him back to the ground. Then the bell rang. Lunch was over. "That was awesome!" Toothless exclaimed. I laughed and all the other applauded. Mickey and Suzie ran up to me. "They didn't get you did they?" They asked right away. "I'm fine girls. Really" I looked back at the kids. "Are you guys okay? Do you need anything?" I asked. 

"All I need is your name new girl! That was epic!" One of the darker skinned kids asked. "I'm Kaysie. And you guys are?"

"I'm Max. That's Lucas, Will, Dustin, and Mike" The girl said. "Great! Those two are Mickey and Suzie by the way. They're my sisters" I chuckled. "Thank you for helping us. But you really didn't have to. They're just a bunch of bullies anyways" Mike said. "No worries! It's okay! I hate bullies so if there is a way to give them what they deserve then I do" 

"Well thank you so much!" Dustin said. "No worries" I smiled. "Guys! We're gonna be late for class!" Will said. "What class do you guys have? We'll walk you to it and let your teacher know why you're late" Mickey said. "We all have culinary right now." Lucas said. "Omg we have that class too!" Suzie said. "That's so cool! Maybe we can work at the same table! There is 3 open spots at ours" Max said. We all gathered our stuff and headed off to class. "Hey Dusitn, do you need a new shirt? So you don't smell like milk?" I asked. "I mean, I do, but I dont have any other clothes." He said. "I have a sweatshirt. It's just plain black so you don't have to worry about people saying it's for girls" I said. I handed it to him and he thanked me. We all stopped at the bathroom for him. 

"Hey Mike, come here" I said. He came over to me all nervous. "Don't worry, i'm just gonna get the lettuce out of your hair" I laughed. He stood right by me and I had to stand on my  toes a little bit. He was about 5'8 or 5'9  and i'm a strong 5'3 in the right shoes. I got all the lettuce out of his hair and threw it in the trash. "Thanks" He said. I smiled and nodded at him. "What class do you have after culinary?" He whispered to me. "Zoology" I said. "Me too!" He said and laughed.  "Guys, do I look great or nah?" Dustin said when he came out of the bathroom. We all laughed and headed to culinary. 

"And why are you late?" The teacher asked when we walked in. "We had a lunch accident Mr Lowell. I'm sorry. It will never happen again" Lucas said. "It's fine. New kids, you can go sit with them" Mr Lowell said. "I think they should sit with us, Mr Lowell!" Hunter said. "Rowland! No! There is not enough room at your table! They will sit with the freshman" He said angrily. Hunter looked at me sadly and i just sympathy smiled at him with a mouthed, 'it's okay'. Now all we have to get through is this class and zoology then i'm home free!

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