22 0 0

Mom handed me the key to our room. 704. I found it and Mickey, Suzie, Max and I all entered. It was huge!! "I get master bedroom!!" I shouted when I closed the door. "Not fair!" Mickey whined. "Well the dogs are sleeping in my room so I get the big room" I stuck my tongue out. She whined but ended up laughing. "Fine then I get second biggest!" She shouted running to find it. I let Harlem, Ginger and Diamond off their leashes and inspect the new apartment. I know Diamond will be rooming with mom but I doubt if she's going to be in their room all day. 

"Kaysie!!" Mickey screamed. I ran into her panicking. "Whats wrong??!?!" I looked at her frantically. "Your room has it's own private bathroom!!" She groaned with a laugh at the end. I went up to her and hit her arm. "I thought you were dying!!" She laughed and me and went into the room, I guess, is hers. I saw Suzie jumping on one of the beds in another room and Max walked into the final room. 

There was a knock on the door and Ginger started to bark. "Ginger! Stop!" I ordered. She stopped and ran up to me, licking my leg. I opened the door and mom was there. "Do you want to go with me to the car rental? I'm going to order a taxi to take us but I need to know how many are coming" She asked. "Yeah, I'll go. Who else is going?" I asked. "I am! I wanna go!" I heard Mickey shout from behind me. "Perfect! Now Suzie and Max would you mind watching the twins, Dawn, and Jane for me? While I go gather some more people?" Mom asked. They nodded, "Alright, now I'm probably going to need a taxi van instead of a cab. And I need my credit card" Mom laughed before leaving the room. "Get ready! I'm bringing the kids to your room." She called. 

We closed the door so the dogs couldn't get out. "Can you guys remember to take the dogs out while we're gone too please?" I asked Suzie and Max. "Yeah no problem" Max said. "Thank you so much" I used the bathroom quick before I heard Dawn run into the apartment. I put my carry on bag on my bed and the suitcase on the floor near the night stand. I shut the door on my way out. "You ready?" Mom asked and I nodded. "I called for a van about 5 minutes ago. Me, You, Mickey, Karen, Joyce, Johnathan, Nancy, and Steve are going. So we'll be perfect to fit in a van. I'm pretty sure we all get to pick what kind of car we all individually rent but we'll figure everything out later. Come on guys, let's go" 

We followed mom out the door where everyone met by the elevator. We went down to the ground floor and waited for the van to show up. After about 3 minutes it showed up. "Where to?" The driver asked while we all piled in. "Rent-a-car please" Mom said. He nodded and we all drove off to the rental cars.

"You're here" He said after about 5 minutes. "Thank you. How much?" Mom asked when we all walked out. She paid him then we all walked inside. "Is this the front desk?" Karen asked the lady near the door. "Yep. I will help you out right now. What is your interest with us today ma'm" The lady asked. "Hello, yes, we would like to rent out some cars. We're visiting New York for about a week and need a good way to get around. May I ask about the cars?" Mom asked her. "Alright. If you want a normal everyday car it will be about $20 a day. If you want a truck, it will be $25 a day and if you want an SUV it will be $30 a day. We just rent our cars by day instead of by mile like most companies do. May I ask what kind of vehicles you are into?" 

My mom looked back at all of us. "What kind of vehicles do you guys want?" She asked us. "I think we should all look around and we'll get back to you" Karen said. My mom nodded, "Would that be possible?" My mom asked the lady. "That is perfectly fine. When you picked out what vehicle you all want we can then talk about billing. Will it be all together or separate?" She asked. "All together" My mom said. "No, no. It will all be separate." Karen and Joyce injected. "I'll ask you all later, no worries" The lady smiled. "You can all walk around and look at all the cars. I'm going to give you there signs, so if you put your name on it, you can hang it on the car's kiosk sign. Thank you all, enjoy" She said walking off. "Are you insane Luce? We're not going to let you pay for all these cars by yourself??" Joyce asked. "I'm sorry. I didn't want you guys to worry. I invited you all I didn't want to have you guys lose money too" She said. "No worries Luce. We'll all pay for ourselves. Now let's go look at cars" Karen said, rubbing my moms shoulder.

We all went our separate ways to look at cars after signing our names on the signs. Mickey, mom, and I stayed together though. "Oh my god!!!! It's beautiful!!" Mickey cried at a 2017 Chevy Malibu. We laughed at her as she fake cried. "But I don't want it" She laughed.

"I kind of like this one" Mom said looking at an SUV. "That's a Jeep Laredo. It's an SUV" I said. "Yeah that might be the one for me, let me check the inside" She opened the door and gasped. "it has two back rows! I can take all of you guys in the same car!"She gushed, Mickey and I laughed. "So is this yours?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes!" 

"Put the sign on it mama!" Mickey exclaimed. Mom whipped out her sign and put it on the kiosk as we all laughed and cheered. "Alright, let's go find some for you guys" She said before we took off again. "should we get one for Suzie?" Mickey asked. "Yeah, let's face time her. Then the first person to take off can bring her here to get it. I'll get a sign for her. You guys video chat her" Mom said taking off. "I'll face time her" I said taking out my phone.

It rang a couple times before I saw Suzie's stressed out face appear. "Guys! Are you almost home yet?? The guys came by the room and they're making this so much more stressful" She complained through the phone. We both laughed out loud. "It's not funny!" She whined. "Anyways, do you want to pick out a car?" I asked. "YES!" She yelled, "Let me see them!" We put her on rear camera and walked around. 

"I think I found the one" I said. I ran up to a 4-door jeep Rubicon. "Well, my sign is gone" I laughed. Mom followed us with Suzie's sign. "I knew you were going to pick the jeep" She laughed when she saw my sign. "I want the Nissan rogue!!" Suzie yelled into the phone. "This one?" I asked walking closer. "Yeah!" I put her sign on it.

 "Alright, Mickey's left. Suzie's would you be okay if I got you a taxi here? I was going to just have someone get you but that would be pointless. Then hopefully Ted can help watch the kids" Mom asked. "Sure. Is there money to pay?" Suzie asked. "Yeah, it's in my purse. My door is unlocked room 701. Just take like $20 and the taxi should be outside. I'll call right now" Mom said walking away. 

"Alright Suzie, it's like a 5 minute drive so please make sure all the kids and the guys and Max will be okay for like 15 minutes. Make sure to tell Ted you're leaving. And make sure someone brings the dogs out! I don't want the room to smell like piss and shit" I said. "I'll take care of that right now. I'll see ya soon sista" She said before ending the face time. 

"I found it" Mickey said running to a Honda hrv. "It's nice" She said eyeing it. "Sign it up loves!" I cheered. She happily took out her sign and smacked it on the kiosk. "Alright, let's go find mom" 

We found mom at the front desk with everyone else approaching her. "Alright, so Suzie is on her way here. Did everyone find what they wanted?" My mom asked. Everyone nodded and smiled. "Alright I can check you guys out" The lady said, "Ryan, could you gather some people to take out their cars? I have a list of names here" She handed a guy behind her a list. 

"Okay, so is everyone paying separately?" She asked. We all nodded. "Okay, who's first" My mom went first and put mine, Mickey's, Suzie's and her cars under Thirlwall. Then Karen and Nancy went and put it under Wheeler. Joyce and Jonathan went next and put it under Byers. Steve went for his and put it under Harrington. Everyone was finished. "I will see you all the day of your departure for the bills! Thank you all so much! Your keys are on your rental cars! Have fun in New York!!" The lady said. We all thanked her and walked to our cars. 

"I'm here!!" I heard. I saw Suzie come out of a taxi and run up to us. "Alright everyone. I'm going to stop by a store and get some real quick things we can make for dinner tonight. You are all welcome to either go back to the hotel and relax or explore a little bit!" My mom said. We all said okay and got into our cars. Everyone left instantly. "Do you want me to go with you?" I asked mom. "Nope. I'm going to GPS a store and hope for the best. Just let me know what you and the guys want. So I can get something good for everyone and not just us adults" 

"Alright, will do" I said. We all got in our cars and watched mom take off before we all went back to the hotel. This was going to be a fun night.

*Please understand that I've never see the inside of these cars, so I don't actually know what the insides look like :)*

This is the longest chapter i've written i think!!

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