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Millie brown was your average nobody. She wore hoodies, mostly to hide the cuts on her wrists. She doesn't have any friends and is abused at home by her father

Her mother died when she was 7 and her dad became an alcoholic. She gets pushed around at school and home, and is never really noticed, and when she is it's not for anything good. She gets bullied, hit, and gets called horrible names on a daily.

She has short brown hair and rides her bike to school every morning, she's really underweight because she rarely has enough food at him and no money, but when she does have money from the small guitar shop she works at, it's for the bills.

Here's her life:


I was biting my nails in the corner and trying to hear what Coach Millstine was saying but everyone was socializing

Gym class was my least favorite class because all that happens is I get pushed and knocked over

"Alright. That's it! 3 LAPS EVERYONE" Coach Millstine yells.

I wait till everyone starts their 3 laps before I start so I don't get pushed around in the front and to draw less attention

As I was running my last lap I catch the most popular  and baddest people in school under a tree passing around a lighter for their cigarettes.

Sadie, the daredevil who practically cares about nothing and is a bad girl and isn't afraid to explore her sexuality.

Caleb, the jock, head football player, and is known for being a 'hit and diss' 'fuck and duck' and whatever clever ones the victims made.

Gaten, the one who only cares about weed and drugs.

Noah, the kinda sweet one who is known for skipping class all the time but still manages to keep straight A's and is also dating one of the baddest gang members of the south side serpents: Joaquin.

Then, last but not least, Finn Wolfhard. Finn was the baddest of the whole group. He did every crime you could imagine, steal, drugs, drink underage, vandalized, cheat, hijacked, and he couldn't care less.  He was a player and never stayed with a girl more than 4 weeks, and he was filthy rich

We locked eyes for a quick second before I tripped and fell on my face. Sadie and Noah ran over to me and helped me up. "Are you okay?" Noah asks. I nod and keep my head down. "Pretty hard fall." Sadie says I nod again. "Thanks. But I-I have to g-go" I say still looking down and turning around to walk away. "Wanna sit with us at lunch tomorrow ?" Noah asks grabbing my arm. "Uh yeah sure. But I-I don't have to. I d-don't wanna ruin anything " "no no it's fine. We could use a new friend anyway" Sadie says. I shrug and smile lightly, "okay"  I say in a super quiet voice.

"Great. See you at lunch tomorrow " Noah says as they both walk away.

I finish my lap and ask to go to the bathroom because of my headache that I got when I fell. Coach Millstine says yes and I grab my backpack and make my way to the bathroom.

I open the door and see 3 popular girls, Jennifer, Sharon, and Nina, all known for being mean and rich.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. Aren't you supposed to be in the boys bathroom?" Says Nina, the meanest and richest.

I keep my head down and try to walk to walk to the big stall so I can wash my face and not be out here with them.

Nina pushes me hard into one of the stalls and I fall from my light weight. "What are you handicap now?!" She yells in my face. "Go back to your country, you ugly worthless bitch!"

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