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7 days later~~ Finn

I throw my clothes into my suitcase as for my plane would be taking off back to Canada in 3 hours.

I couldn't wait to see Millie, even if what I did was horrible. I didn't really mean to kiss back, I wasn't thinking and I've felt horrible ever since

It's my last day and of course I'll miss Calpurnia, but I also couldn't wait to leave

I've not so easily been avoiding Iris for the last 6 days. My streak game of avoiding her was strong. And I wanted to avoid her forever.
But nothing lasts forever


I shed a tear as Poussey Washington was lying there dead on my TV screen. She was one of my favorites. Even though she was in jail, she still was kind hearted and sweet

These past few days all I've been able to do were catch up on random and weird TV shows. There's this show called Stranger Things, pretty good, I'm sure Finn would love it!


Knock knock!

I turn my head and throw my Tee into the big suitcase lying on the floor before walking up to the door to see who was on the other side

"Iris?" I say quite shocked at her being here

"Hey. Uh, can I come in?"

I didn't want to seem rude so I move back widening the door so she can enter

She enters as I turn around and the first thing I feel is her lips rammed into mine. I push her off

"Iris. If this is what you came in for then leave. I have a girlfriend"

"Is she here?"

"In my head yes"

She moves closer to me

"This is our last time together. Let's make it count"

She was now inches away from me

After a couple's seconds I couldn't take it anymore, I smashed my lips onto hers pushing her on the couch unbottoning her shirt as she removes mine


I stood at the airport waiting for Finn. Quietly sqealing about the fact that I would finally see him. I spot him in a small crowd and wave frantically. He sees me and runs towards before hugging me tightly

"F-finn I c-cant breathe" I choke out

He finally let's go as I see tears rushing down his face

"Finn? What's wrong? Did something happen there?" I ask

"No. I missed you, that's all"

I nod.

He seemed pretty different

~~ (I just realized some people don't know what ~~ means when I put it in my stories -- it means a couple hours have passed)

I cuddle in Finns arm as we watch High School Musical. It was a movie he hated but I personally loved. I look over to see Finn already asleep, it was only the 2nd movie, I chuckle


His phone rings loudly. I ignore it as I continue watching


I roll my eyes as I think maybe it's one of the pack like Sadie or Noah


I reach across Finn and grab his phone only to see it wasn't Sadie or Noah... It was Iris

Hey Finny!

I was wondering when
you'd be in for Calpurnia

Maybe we can do what we
did earlier?😏 I'm sure I enjoyed it much as you did😜

I start shaking. Finn he.. cheated on me. I get up before falling on my knees and breaking down. I choke on a sob as Finn jerks up

"Millie? Millie!" He says running toward me

"Are you okay?" He says trying to wrap his arms around me. I yank him off

"What happened?"

I throw his phone in front of him as I start crying harder. My heart hurt and I felt like I couldn't breathe

"How- how could you?" I whisper out

"It was a mistake! Millie I swear!" I shake my head. I throw open his door and run out of his house. I run and run not ever wanting to stop. Eventually I do and look around. It was blurry. I fall on the floor exhausted and heart broken.

I get back up to see a black car a couple meters away from me. I start to think it's Finn so I start hurridly walking away.

A couple minutes later I feel a strong shock in the back of my neck. I try turning around but I fall. I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier until finally I could barely keep them open...


I groan as I start to wake up. I felt sore and my neck was throbbing. I look up and see nothing. It was pitch black. My first instinct is to stand up but as I try, I realize I'm tied. My arms, my legs.

"HELP!" I scream. I wanted to cry... I wanted to feel safe.. I especially wanted to be held in Finn's arms.. but I couldn't. Especially if I was tied here in god knows where

A bright white light flicks on. "Is somebody there? Hello?"

"Hello Millie" A certain figure breathes out.

My jaw falls as a shocked expression of fear and horror wipes across my face as I realize exactly who it was



Holy crap I got chills writing this!

Sorry for making Finn look this way :(

Next chapter will include a ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: suicide attempt!

Question time!

What will happen to Millie?

What's gonna happen to Finn?

Can I think of a better question?

Vote for next chapter to find out!

Also, have a great rest of your day❤️❤️❤️❤️

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