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Millie~~ Class before lunch~~

I couldnt focus. All morning Ive just felt like crying and crying and crying. Why is my life such complete and utter shit!

"All right when you and your partner are ready, come tell me so I can write it down and put it in my computer to make if official" Ms. Winona said typing at her computer

Everyone got up except me and Finn. I didnt want to work with Jacob anymore. I couldnt. I turn around to see him staring at me with large eyes and a mischevious grin that made me uncomfortable

Nina skips over to Finn and opens her mouth to say something but Finn beat her to it, "we're not partners anymore Nina". Nina frowns, "what do mean finny?" She whines and I cringe at her choice of words, "I asked you yesterday"

"Well, sorry not sorry, Im partners with Millie." I turn my head in shock as my name escapes his mouth

"Nuh- Uh. Shes my partner" Jacob says with that same grin. "No the hell shes not. Unless you want another bleeding nose?" Finn threatens. Nina shoots lasers through my body and she huffs before sashaying off

I didnt really want to be partners with Finn but I didnt have a choice. As we silently talk about our assignment it brought back memories. When we were partners before and it was how he found out I exist. The bell rung dismissing my warm memories and Ms. Winona leaves with some students again until its just me and Finn. he acted like he was putting away his pencils or some sort while I was putting away my notes

I finish and quickly exit the room before pausing and realizing I never thanked him so I walking back inside and quickly met with a misty-eyed Finn. He was staring at the doorway like he wasnt expecting me to come back but hoping. "I wanted to say thank you. For yesterday" I say looking down

"I want to apologize for everything. Please Millie, please. Let me show you im sorry" Finn pleads. I nod after a short while and look up, his face was brightened, his eyes glowed and he gave a small smile that I returned, "but nothing extra!" I say.


I slide into the small booth opposite from Millie in the tiny pizza diner that was walking distance from school, although we were probably gonna miss next period, I didnt really care because I was with Millie

The walk was peaceful and quiet and me and Millie got into a pretty good debate about ghosts. That was one of the things I loved about Millie, you could talk to her about anything.

She sits and awkwardly play with an abandoned straw wrapper and I let out a breath which causes her big brown chocolate eyes to look at me and grin which causes me to do the same. She tells me what she wants and I go order then make my way to my assigned seat across from Millie.

The tiny diner is completely silent until or food is placed in front of us. Thats when all you can hear is laughing, and jokes and just talking.

I made her happy. And thats all I want in life. Her to be happy.


So nevermind this was pretty shitty. and sorry it was so short I just had to update ASAP!I HAVE A HORRIBLE CASE OF WRITER-BLOCK DIAGNOSIS!!!!! I dont know what came out of this chapter but Finn and Millie are on good terms so I now need an idea for next chapter. Anyway bye

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