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Trigger warning: ⚠️ ATTEMPTED RAPE ⚠️


I slowly open the door. No matter how slow I opened it.. it still creaked loud enough to have my dad snap his neck towards me from his spot on the couch

"I know I'm late but..." I slowly trade off as I see the way he's looking at me

He doesn't have his usual rage face, but instead, he actually looked kind of normal. I haven't seen him like this since Mom died.

His eyes were soft and huge while his mouth was half open

"I know I'm not supposed to have these / I say holding up the bags/  an-and it was wrong of me to l-leave" I stutter. Even though my dad didn't have the same facial expression, it was not enough to convince me that he won't snap and throw a punch to my eye

"But my fri-"

"Sandra....." My dad cuts me off

Sandra? That was mom's name

"Why would you leave me? B-But you came back, you came back and Millie she's grown and Sandra oh how I've missed you" he rants as he slowly walks towards me

Does he think I was my Mom?

"No dad I'm Millie!" I say

He smashes his lips into mine and I push him off

"Why would you do that? Why would you do that Sandra?!" He screams at me

I slowly back into the wall. I look away from him and see small white lines of a powdery sugar-like subtance

My dad? He's on drugs?

I look back up into his eyes. "Love me Sandra. Before you leave again..." He grabs me by my shoulders and pushes me onto the floor

He unbuckles his belt and sqauts down on me

"Don't do this please. Dad please" I say sobbing

He slaps me hard and with force

"Stop calling me Dad. I'm not your fucking dad Sandra. You married me!" He screams

"HELP!" I scream before getting slapped once again. This time everything starts blurring up.

I try pushing him off as he pulls down my pants but he was too strong.

I start to accept the fact that I was going to be raped before feeling lighter. Like he wasn't on me anymore

I look to my right and see my dad getting punched over and over again.

I stand up and pull my pants up and buttoning them. I look to see it wasn't a neighbor like I thought it was.... It was Finn

I grabbed Finns shoulders and try to get him off. Finn had blood on his knuckles and sweat and tears on his face

Finn finally stops and rolls over leaning on the wall

"I'm so sorry Millie" Finn says

I collapse on the floor crying my eyes out. I was almost raped by my father who is on drugs! Wtf is my life?

I hear cop sirens and think the neighbors must've called the cops on the screaming

Finn held me in his arms as I soaked up his shirt with tears. While in his arms... For the first time in a long time... I felt... Safe


The cops took pictures of my bruises for evidence of abuse and bandaged up Finns hand. I watched my Dad go away in a cop car

"You won't be seeing him for a long time Miss" Officer Jackson said

"Not long enough" Finn shoots back

All the officers officially leave and I just stand as tears stroll down my face AGAIN

"Millie. What's wrong? Your dad's gone. Shouldn't you be glad? You won't have to deal with that fucked example of a father ever again"

"I know I should be... But now I'm alone Finn. Officially alone"

"You're not alone Millie. Ever. You'll always have me. Millie, will you be my girlfriend?" Finn blurts out

"What?" I say. I didn't mean to be stupid about it, but it caught me off guard

"Millie ever since I meant you, I knew you were different. The way you walk and talk there's no one like you. Your such a sweet girl and even though you've been through hell and back you're still a nice person. You're big brown eyes, you're soft contagious smile. At the mall I tried to  picture you with that douche and I just couldn't. Actually it's not that I couldn't ,I just wouldn't, I didn't want to. I want to be with you. Millie, I'm in love with you"

"I'm in love with you too, Finn"

He slowly inched closer to me until our lips touched. Sparks flew- scratch that- fireworks flew


I woke up around 7:30 so I can go to work. I may have not mentioned but I couldn't wait to see my friend Jaeden again. He works with me at the shop and was my best friend but we haven't had a lot of time with each other since he took a couple weeks off and I said I'd be right there behind the counter with him when he gets back but I wasn't and I felt pretty bad


I got out of the bathroom fully dressed

"Bye" Finn says in a sleepy raspy voice. "I'll leave in a while and after I finish sleeping. Come over to my house with a bag of all your belongings. Your staying with me" he says

I nod. "Bye" I smile

He grabs my arm as I was about to walk away and pulls me close before kissing my forehead. I smile, being with Finn was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me


I open the door and the bell rings. "Ta-da" I say facing Jaeden with a big smile

He doesn't smile back. He doesn't even look happy, and with that, my smile quickly faded

It's late I'm sorry but DOUBLE-UPDATE WHOOP WHOOP!!

This chapter is fucking shit💀

I probably won't be updating until a couple of days :( but I'll try soon 💞


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