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suicide attempt!

Last chapter 😭

~~~~ 2 days later

I take the pills spilling it into my shaking hands as I lay against the closed bathroom door

The news had pronounced Millie missing. I haven't been to school in days. All I could think about was Millie.

I- I deserve this!
Do it Finn!
It's your fault!

I grab the half empty alcohol bottle ready to leave this world

Bringing the bottle up to my lips along with the pills, the door swings open hitting my waist, moving me, and knocking the pills out of my hands

"Finn!" I realized that voice, Sadie

Sadie grabs back my arm making me insanely pick up the pills with one hand

"GuyS!!" Sadie yells needing help

Noah runs in confused but starts holding me back to as he realizes what was happening

They drag me out of the bathroom as I was screaming and begging them to let me go

"I HAVE TO DO IT! IT WAS MY FAULT! IT- it..was...my...fault" I say losing all of my energy. Everything. All I had was Millie. And I lost her and it was all my fault

"C'mon, let's get you up buddy" Gaten says grabbing my arms

I yank away with no force turning around "I need a drink" I say dryly

I walk into the living room and bend over the TV grabbing a key under The Hangover DVD which I use to unlock a cabinet which beholds my dad's secret alcohol stash

I grab two bottles of the strongest things there and make my way back to my room. As I open the door every set of eyes were on me

"What are you guys still doing here?" I question plopping on my bed

"Seriously Finn?! You just tried to choke down a handful of pills! We're not going anywhere"

"Hey, uh, don't you need shot cups for that?" Noah says implying on my whiskey bottle

"Mm mmm" I say popping the top off and shoving the tip in my mouth (no homo lmao)

All I needed was Millie

~~ Millie

It's been two days.

Two days since I've been outside.

Two days since I've interacted with a person other than my father

Two days since my life completely fell apart

My dad's been coming in here 3 times a day feeding me some of the nastiest foods I've ever tasted. He hadn't said a word. Just fed me and walked out

This was my last 'meal' of the day and I thought of a little plan

Will it work? I hope so.. it's my only chance

~~ Finn

"You know, I was gonna marry her" I slur

"Dude you can marry any girl you want in the world" Gaten says

I look at him like he's crazy, "There's no other girl I want to marry. There's no other girl that makes me feel the same way"

"Dude. Feelings are mutual"

I get up walking up to him

"Not. Mine. I was in love with her. And if I hear one thing come out your mouth that isn't good about her, we're gonna have a problem" I threaten sobering up already

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