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I put on an oversized hoodie to try my best to cover up the 2 scratches across my cheeks my dad gave me when I got home last night.

He said I embarrassed him and make him look like a bad father. I couldn't take him yelling those stupid excuses at me so I told. I told him he was a bad father. And I hated him.

For a second I thought I saw something in his eyes. Sadness. But it wasn't. It was anger . He lifted his hand and slapped me hard across my face. I fell and he stomped on my stomach and slapped me again before cursing at me and heading to his room for more alcohol

I wipe the tear that escaped my eye thinking about last night. Why me? Why fucking me?!

I walk out of the bathroom and outside to get my bike and make my way to school.

~~ Lunch~~

I make my way into the lunch line and while everyone is socializing and talking, I'm biting my nails hoping to not be seen. As I'm about to get the cheeseburger a girl comes out of nowhere, grabs me by the hair, and pulls me to the floor. I look up and sure enough it's her: Nina

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind starving. I mean we won't mind if you starve, so you shouldn't either." She says laughing at me

I get up slowly and some more kids decide to skip me and push me out of the way. I let about 20 kids get their lunch and as I'm about to get my lunch Nina comes back


"Where the hell is your girlfriend Finn?" Caleb says tapping his foot. "Hold your fucking balls, and she isn't my girlfriend" I say looking back at the door. Piles of kids come out but Millie just isn't one of them.

"We just watched her go in like 10 minutes ago" Gaten says sniffing up some "fun dip powder"

"15" Sadie says casually

"Alright I'll go get her" I say standing up with eyes watching me, of course

"YASSS Finn go get your girlfriend" Caleb says and I flip him off

I walk in to see Millie on the floor with Nina yelling at her, and everyone just standing there like it's okay

"We don't have the food you eat in England. We don't eat frogs!" She say and Millie almost starts to cry.

"Shut the fuck up Nina! Your the fucking frog. If you ever, and I mean, ever torment this girl again I will ruin your fucking life" I say. She backs up and a huge wipe of fear is wiped on her face. She walks away and I help Millie up.

"T-thanks. But you don't have to help m-me" she says still looking down.

"I know. But I want to" I skip the whole line and grab her, her cheeseburger and her tray.

I don't know why people bullies Millie. She's so nice and quiet and never bothers anybody. What could they possibly bully her for? I know she wasn't the richest, but that gives no right to bully.

I carry her tray out the door and start walking her to our table.


All eyes are on me as I walk awkwardly next to Finn who was carrying my tray! I didn't know what to do so I just fiddled with my sleeve. I usually walk close to the wall and on the sides where no one could see me but not today. I was walking flat in the middle where EVERYONE could see me.

After what seems like hours, we finally make it to there table and I sit

"So this is Gaten, Noah, Sadie and Caleb" Finn said knowing I already knew them. I wave but still look down

"Why do you always look down?" Gaten asks me. "Gaten!" Noah scolds him.

I wasn't really uncomfortable with it, but it still sucked 'cause he probably thought I'm weird. Shit, if I was him I'd think I was weird!

I shrug lightly," I don't know, I just don't really do well with people and they usually don't want to even see my and when people do they wish they didn't" Shit, come on Millie! You totally scared them off big time!

"You know what, I think I should go" I say getting up

"No don't! I-I mean you don't have too. Your fine. Please just stay" Finn says. I smile a little and sit back down


10 minutes we're all telling jokes and that's when Caleb said something on Sadies "beautiful face and glamorous perfection" (which was true) but Sadie rejected him pretty hard and got a super good laugh out me


I heard it. Her laugh. I saw her smile

Damn. Why would anyone, especially with her beauty, always look down.

I catch her eye and there we are just staring at each other. I look into her light milk chocolate eyes and melt. Literally! I felt my face turn bright pink. The moment was precious- until, something slips my mouth

"You're beautiful" I say. I quickly realize what I said and stutter trying to help the situation. "I-I mean y-your pretty, pretty good" she smiles blushes lightly


He called me beautiful. Holy fuck, Finn Wolfhard called me beautiful!

"So um since tomorrow is Saturday, do you wanna come to my house, too, you know, finish the project?" "Yeah sure"

The bell rings and I say bye to Sadie, Gaten, and Noah who are all going crazy because of Finns "word slip"

I wave to Finn and he waves back. "See you tomorrow" "See you tomorrow"

For the first time in a long time, I felt.... Beautiful

Kinda short I'm sorry

I've been meaning to update but haven't found the time.

I can't wait till next chapter!!😭😭

Please vote!💟

Anyway bye❤️

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