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Soooooo, me being a huge shit head FORGOT CALEB WAS IN THIS chapter!! So just forget he went to the mall with them. Sorry Caleb💓💓


Finn being most of a gentleman, kindly opened the door for us

The cool mall air slapped me in face with a smell of new shoes and Starbucks

My breathing pitched up a bit as I got nervous cause I didn't know what was gonna happen. I had no sense of style and everything would probably just look stupid on me anyway

Finn slips his hand into mine and I breathe a little easier

"So where to first Mills?" Gaten says turning around to face me

I stutter a little, I had no idea what to do. Should I start with jeans, shoes, skirts?!

"We"ll start with something easy. Hair?" Sadie suggests easily seeing my struggle

I think of my hair. It was just in a messy bun, Ive never done anything with my hair like ever. This would definitely be something new.

"Sure" I say. Sadie claps and walks over to me. "Let's see...." She starts as she untangles Finns hand from mine and links my arm with hers


We finally make our way to the hair salon. It was like a castle in their. But for hair

Wigs lined up rows of the upper walls, big posters of literally real-life Rapunzel's, and the faint smell of Coconut Scented Fresh Shampoo

"How about flat ironing it?"

"It's already pretty flat" says Noah

"Okay..... Moisturizing??"

"What would that do?" Gaten snaps back

"I don't know! Clean?!"

"Her hair looks pretty clean to me" Finn shrugs

"Mohawk!" Gaten shouts out. All everyone can do is stare at the kid. I don't think I'll look very good with a mohawk..

"Can I uh.... Curl it? Just a little" I ask unsure if I should. Everyone stares at me. "If you guys don't think so I won't, I could uhhhh- get the Mohawk!" I say out of nervousness

"No. You would look beautiful. I mean- not that you already do, cause you are, you would just uh"

Gaten rolls his eyes, Noah holds back a laugh, and Sadie shakes her head, while I stand there like a dork


I finally finished and I thought my hair looked pretty good. Sadie and the boys went to wait in the waiting room so that's where I made my way up to. I open the doors and everyone slowly looks up at me

Sadie gasps and Noah wipes away a fake tear as Gaten just sits there

I turn to look at Finn who was staring at me. Did it look that bad?

"Is it okay? I'm sorry that it's not okay, I could uh, shave it!"

"Mills-! You look fine. Amazing actually. You make me wanna go short haired" Sadie compliments as she stands up

"You look like a whole new person!" Noah says as he follows Sadie. I mean, it was just a little curled, how different could I possibly look?

"Would've looked better with a mohawk" Gaten shrugs as he sits up

"Can you just let that go already? Oh and Finn, you got a little drool right there, might wanna, yeah" Sadie says

I turn my attention towards Finn again and his cheeks flush red. "Uh, where to next guys?" Finn says completely destroying the last few seconds that just happened

"Accessories!" Sadie says as she gets excited. I never knew how much of a girly girl she could be..


We walked into Kay's Accessories and the whole place just blows me away. I stare in awe at every little thing


She picks up a pair of heart glasses and places them above her nose making a funny face

I chuckle a bit, "You should get them" I say. She looks at me surprised. "I don't think I could rock these"

I scoff and grab them from her, I place it gently above her nose, "Noice" I say jokingly, she laughs her pretty laugh and sticks them in the tiny cart she was holding

"Hey I have an idea! Boys, leave us girls here. We'll meet up in an hour at the food court. I'm sure you guys have something better to do"

Really there was nothing much that I would rather do than be with Millie, but not wanting to third wheel two best friends, I chose to go....

If only I knew... If only I stayed...

I don't really know WHAT the end was but NEXT CHAPTER COMING SOON LOVES💞💞

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