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All I can say is THANK YOU for being so patient

I was stuck at my grandparents house with no charger cause I'm the only one who has an iPhone (smh) and I couldn't update but here!❤️



Tears found there way up to my eyes as I processed the news

Finn was leaving...

"It's only a week"

I try my best not to cry

"Dude this place is legit!" Caleb calls out reading all about how they have tons of bookings and other legit stuff like that

"I didn't even know you liked to play the guitar. Other then hanging them on your wall" Sadie sits up

Finn looks at me, "yeah, not a lot of people know"

"When do you leave?" I choke out

Finn looks down, "Tomorrow. Morning"

I don't know how much longer I can go without crying

"I'm gonna get some water" I say quietly. I slowly walk inside and grab a glass out of the big brown cabinets

I set it down on the counter and lay against the counter

"If you don't want me to go, I won't go" Finn says walking up behind me

I shake my head no, "of course I want you to go Finn"

"Then what is it?"

"Your going to LA, we live in Canada, there are a lot of girls there. Prettier girls"

Finn scoffs, "But none of them are you. None of them will make me feel the same way"

I smile and nod, "I want you, to go upstairs and start packing, you have a plane to catch soon"

He pecks my lips and sqeals which makes me laugh.

My smile fades a bit. I want Finn to have a future, to have fun and enjoy playing the guitar, but I'm really gonna miss him, even if it is for a week

Sadie slides in from the balcony. "So what are you gonna do?"

"Would do you mean?" I question

"Ya know, he's leaving, are you gonna give him a ring, a necklace to remember you by......? Isn't this what all good couple's do?!"

I sit in thought before finally saying something

"Can I borrow something from you.....?


The gang leaves and I jump into bed already very tired.

Where's Millie?

"Millie?!" I yell out, I wanted to sleep with her, since I won't be able to for the next week

The door creaks open slowly as I sit up

Millie then walks in.... In lingerie


"Shh" she says bringing her finger up to my lips

She squats on my lap and kisses me. I turn her over and the kissing gets more serious. I kiss her neck as she turns me over then lightly kisses my chest lowering and lowering until she starts pulling down my pants.

"Millie, stop!"

She sits up. "Why? Is it the lingerie, do you not like it? I can take it off" she says smirking

"No. I mean, yes, but put on more clothes"

She frowns, "what's your problem?"

"MY problem? Millie my problem is that your forcing this. I know your not ready to have sex"

"I am Finn, and I want you to be my first"

"And I will be- I say kissing her forehead- "but not like this. Not when you won't even see me tomorrow morning. And not when your not ready!"


He was right. I smile kissing him and get up to take off the lingerie

"Did you at least like the lingerie?"

"Love" he said staring

"Where did you even get it??" He asks snapping out of his stare

"Sadie" I chuckle

I finished changing and climbed into bed with Finn

"Hi." He says smiling

"Hey." I say back

We turn off the lamps by our places in bed and I cuddle up with Finn. This is what I wanted. If only it could last forever


Okay so this is basically just a filler I guess because I haven't updated in a while!

I'm gonna try to be more active!


Can you believe Millie almost lost her virginity?!

Should she have tonight?

Will she soon?

What will happen with Finn in LA by his self with no Millie?

Vote for next chapter to find out!

I love you guys💞💞💞

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