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So for starters I just want to say how INCREDIBLY SORRY I AM FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG. I really hate myself for it but no worries, hopefully I can get my shit together and update more❤️


I wake up with Finns arms around me. My face quickly turns a dark shade of red and my eyes wide.

This must've happened when we fell asleep. I couldn't help but hope it wasn't an accident.

I try to lightly get out of his grip but he must've been sleeping lightly cause he woke up.

He smiles at me but then quickly realizes his sleeping position. He blushes and mutters a sorry. I nod but then realize he had no shirt and he mutters a 'shit' and grabs one. I chuckle a bit and he smiles a goofy smile at me

"Well, I have a surprise for you" he says scooting closer to me

"I already told you Finn. It's fine"

"No, me and the gang came up with this one"

My eyebrows shoot up. He and Sadie, Noah, Gaten, and Caleb thought of something for me. I wanted to cry. How could they care about me so much?

"Hey, hey! Why are you crying?!" He says cupping my face and wiping my tears

I laugh through my cry and shrug. "I've never been so cared of, idk"

He smiles a bit. "Well you might not even like it. But I hope you do"

"So where will this surprise take place?"

"The mall" he says squinting a bit

"Finn no. I am not letting you guys spend a cent on me!"

"Millie. You can't stop us. We want to"

"Fine. Westbrook mall?" I say. Westbrook mall was a mall not really for the rich but for the in between. I've only been once. When my mom died. Dad wanted to buy something nice, he got a necklace with my initials on it

"Nope. Northwest King Mall"

My eyes widen. Now that mall was for the rich

Before I could say no Finn handed me a towel. "Said we'll be there in 30"


I step out of Finns Lambo and see Caleb and Sadie step out of a car. I always thought something was going on between them. Then Noah and Gaten step out of a black Mercedes Benz

"Your 5 minutes late" said Gaten. As a practical drug dealer he was big on being on time.

"Who cares. Let's do this thing" Sadie says facing the mansion of a mall. I turn to face it to and I gulp a big gulp.

Noah gives me a big reassuring smile and we walk towards the mall

I know this wasn't really long you guys but I split this one chapter into 2❤️❤️

Saving Her ~Fillie~Where stories live. Discover now