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Okay so nevermind it's not gonna be sad at this end of the story but instead the NEXT

Two weeks later~ Millie.

Its been 2 weeks. Everyone forgot about the live, well, except for Nina. I grab my lunch tray from the dirty counter and walk out of the the cafeteria line. I did get the courage to walk through the middle without any help from Finn and it did feel great

I continued walking until a tall skinny, frail figure bumped into me making me drop my tray

I pick up my fruit cup and orange juice and look up to tell the dude to please watch where he's going but only one word-well, name, escaped my mouth


He waved sarcastically

"What're you doing here?" I ask now most eyes on me

"Well before I came back I begged my mom to transfer my school so I could well, be with you. Obviously after two weeks they decided that it's too late to take my transfer back, and I'm stuck here. Without you" he says and bumps my shoulder as he walks towards the food line

He's still really mad...

I shake it off and continue walking back to my table with the rest. After I joined, a lot of girls have been trying to join them too. Haven't been going so well

"Who was that?" Sadie asks with suspicion

"No one" I say.

"So, Millie, you do know that youre not officially welcomed into our group right?"

My eyebrows curl together, "what do you mean?" 

"We all have matching tattoos" Finn says

My eyebrows raise. "Really? You guys want me to get matching tattoos?!"

"You're getting a tat! Cool dude" Caleb says popping out of nowhere

"Where were you?" Noah asks

"Janitors closet. With Jessica"

"Davidson?" Gaten asks practically shouting


"Please. Junior year. Committee room." Finn says, and I raise my eyebrows again

"Bed" Sadie says and my eyebrows get higher

"Empty computer lab" Gaten says topping it off

"So I was the last?" Caleb shouts

Everyone nods. "Dangit"

I was shocked. Mainly at Finn. I mean, I knew hes done it with tons of girls, but apart of me wishes I was his first...

"Anyway the tattoo. Sure I'll do it. What is it?"

"Wait and see" Finn says, hopefully it was nothing too drastic

Before anyone could say anything else the bell rung indicating that lunch was over

I got up and was stopped by Sadie

"Hey Millie, ever skipped?"


I lay on the bench outside where me and Finn first met laying on his lap.

"Remember how I fell?" I ask

Everyone laughs. "I was such an idiot"

"It was kind of cute" Finn says. I loved his soft side. Not many people knew about it other than the gang and me

I was supposed to be in 6th period but I was here instead

"Oh, yeah Millie, I got you a phone"

"You did?" I squeal

"Yeah. I wanted to give it to you later, but, now seems like an okay time" he says pulling a small box out of his backpack.

Whoa! "Thank you"

I debate whether I should open it or not. I kinda wanted to do it, alone, without Noah, Gaten, Caleb, and Sadie

It was an iPhone 7+ and I did not really know how to use it.

"Oh, that reminds me, I have a present for you at home, on your bed" I say

Finn gave me his 2nd guest room even though he always wants me sleeping with him. Not that I don't mind

"What is it your anniversary?" Gaten snaps

"No" I say

"How'd you even sneak it on my bed without me seeing?"

"I hid it in my closet then snuck it on your bed when you left before me"

"You said you forgot to pee"

"Well, that maybe a white lie" I say pecking his soft pink lips

"You paid?"


He stays silent for a while before finally speaking

"I love you" he says unexpectedly. I smile

"I love you too" I respond and he kisses me

"This is getting gross" Noah says sitting up

"Anyone want weed? I'm going in the bathroom"

Sadie, Gaten, and Caleb sit up

"Stay here lovers" Sadie says waving is off

"We're not going anywhere" Finn says moving hair away from my face and kissing me

We're not going anywhere....

Awwwwwjdjdbd anyway I wrote this chapter cause the last was horrible even though this was not better in any way

This chapter was a MESS a phat mesS

Anyway what do you think the tattoo is?

What do you think Millie's present is?

Will it end badly? (Probably)

Anyway until next chapter ❤️

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