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Me and Finn decided to invite the rest of the pack over for something like a grill except with pizza and Chinese

We were all sitting joking around and talking about my new tattoo

"The first time Caleb got his tattoo, he cried" Sadie laughs

"Hey, that hurt" Caleb defenses

"It was only like, 20 seconds" Finn says biting into his slice

"Are we all gonna just ignore the fact that Noah cried his first time?"

"Hey! Don't turn this stuff on me! My eyes teared up, but I didn't cry"

We all chuckle and Finn almost says something before his phone rings loudly

"Hold on" he says getting up as Gaten takes out a cigarette and Caleb hands him a lighter


I slide open the balcony door and answer the ringing phone


"Hi, this is Calpurnia Inc. I happened to run across your YouTube video."

"That was a misunderstanding. I'm not a guitarist"

"Really? You sure looked like a guitarist to me and apparently the 8.7 million veiws and 7 million comments"

I sigh "your point is?"

"We want you, to become our new head member of our band Calpurnia. If you say yes, they'll be a plane waiting for you in 4 hours. You'll be gone for a week and a half and you'll just be practicing for that time and yes You'll be paid of course"

I stand there with my mouth hanging wide. I press my home button and look up Calpurnia Inc.

It was great! They were pretty legit! There were tons of bookings for this month

"So, Finn, what do you say?"

Omg I'm so sorry for leaving you on this cliffhanger and I'm also sorry for this being like a second long

Anyway next chapter is crazy

And please check out my new book INSTAGRAM|| FINN WOLFHARD


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