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Omg the struggle I went through with this chapter....

I have no internet cause I'm on a wack family vacation and I wrote this chapter already but on my laptop and it was like 3 AM and I was EXHAUSTED and it didn't save and I guess my laptop doesn't have auto save or SOMETHING cause this morning I woke up! And no chapter was there and I forgot EXACTLY what I wrote and I didn't want to go another like,,,, week without an update so enjoy this half-ass crap 💞💞

Oh and this involves cutting so....

Also just pretend Noah got sick and left early.. 


A plate of steamy food plots in front of me as Sadie takes a seat next to me. I was not really in the food mood as I pictured what had just happened about 15 minutes ago....

15 minutes ago

"Fine Sadie, you can pick out a few clothes you would like on me. But nothing too fancy!" I say giving up. I bought 2 pairs of jeans, 3 shoes, 2 hoodies, and 1 shirt. Even though that was enough for me, it was definitely not for Sadie


I grab a few hawt dresses for Millie who was in the bathroom peeing. I see this big black dress with some thing on the top, although it was a weird dress, Mills definitely had the body shape. I see this very long emerald sparkly dress and put it in the small pile too. Just before going into the fancy compartment, I see this girl.

I turn around fully to look at her, and wow! She was beautiful, and she had short red hair that looked so silk

She was eyeing this necklace that looked perfect on her. She picks it up and struggles a bit to put on her neck, I stand there like an idiot watching until I finally run up and help her. "I'll help, my name's Sadie by the way" I say buckling it

"Sophia" she says smiling and facing me

Nina~  (Millie's bully)

"Yeah, I'm just getting this for Millie. I think she'll really like it" Finn says who I've ran into (purposely)

what's so great about Millie?!
I was mad, very very mad. Millie doesn't deserve someone like Finn. She deserves someone poor and brainy. He should be with me !

"Oh yeah, it'll look great on her. Anyway, I was wondering i-"

"Hold on it's Sadie. Millie's with her so I gotta answer" he interrupts

"Can't it wait?" I say only to see he was already talking

"Hey Sadie, where are you?"

I move closer to hear where they were, and as soon as I heard, a little light bulb popped into my head.

"Can you go live with me?" Finn asks and an even brighter lightbulb flicked in my head. And with that I left with a very mischievous plan


I'll need to distract Sadie and Millie...

Only to see that Sadie was flirting with a famous actress and Millie was most likely in the bathroom since I couldn't find her.


I look at the long dress Millie was about to try on after she's done washing her hands and knew I had only about... 3 minutes until she came out.

I quickly switch her real dress with a longer and larger one and yank the zipper breaking it. I realize she'll see it in the mirror and quickly go into her changing room, I grab her recent bags with clothes and throw it into the next stall which I knew had no mirror, I then take out my phone and wait for the perfect notification...

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