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"Okay now straight..... Keep walking.... Uh-huh..... Okay!!! Open the door!!!..... Straight...Now take off your blindfold" I say excitedly

He takes off the blindfold slowly before walking towards the bed.

I mush my lips together as get nervous

He picked up the guitar in a tranced way and turned back around, but not looking at me. I almost say something but I realize his eyes getting glossy

He puts the guitar in his left hand and walks up toward me

He wraps his arms around me squeezing me tight

"Thank you"

"You welcome. And uh, Finn, I love you, but uh, your killing me here"

"Oh,uh sorry. I'm thankful"

"Then play me something"

He smiles. He sits on the bed and I criss-cross across from him. While he gets ready I pick up my new phone. I still don't know really know how to use it but there is an app I do know how to use- camera!

I've always wanted to be a photographer when I was younger. My father said it wasn't an accurate career. But my mom told me to follow my heart. I snap out of my thoughts and start the video. It was kind of one of those heart breaking beats that had a lot of anger in them

He looked hot playing it

While I was staring I didn't realize he was done. I post the video on YouTube and turn my phone off and just look at him


"Why did you come back?"

He sighs knowing I was talking about the night of my dad

"You were humiliated-/ I put my head down thinking about what else happened that day-\ I couldn't leave you there in a dark place Millie. I love you so so much. I was half way home when I realized, I didn't tell you that"

Tears escaped my eyes. Finn was someone who really cared about me. Finn wiped away the tears with his thumb and softly kissed me

The kiss was getting deeper before being interrupted by my new phone blowing

After a while it was Finn's

He went to check his phone out

"What is this?!" Finn says loudly

"Your video"

"You posted it?! Millie! Why would you do that?!"

"Chill Finn. I just posted a video on YouTube"

"Of me! Do you know who can see it?"

I glance at the veiws

"11,000 people. In just a couple minutes"

He sits down on his bed throwing his head back

"I'm sorry, I thought I was doing something good. Are you mad at me?"

He shakes his head no, gets up and kisses my forehead. But it wasn't like his usual. Usually it would make me feel safe. And loved, but that, that was just a kiss...


A couple hours have passed and me and Finn were kind of back to normal

He wasn't that mad and in fact, we were walking in the tattoo parlor

"Can you please tell me the tattoo now?"

"Fine. It's a wolf"

"Cool. I've always pictured myself getting something more cliche but, I like the wolf idea"

"Millie?" A large and fit mad with an overgrown beard asked me

I nod. He sits down and I get nervous

"Will this hurt?"

He looks at me like that was a stupid question, which it was "yes, it will hurt"

Finn gets up from the seat he was sitting in and holds my hand, lightly squeezing it

Before I knew it, it was done

"Heres the cream, put it on every night for a at least 8 days"

I take the cream and admire the small tattoo

"Ready?" Finn asks

"Yup" I say smiling. I, Millie Bobby Brown, was officially, apart of the Finn's pack.


Please read ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Okay this chapter was AWFUL I know! But this will be connected to something very big in the next chapter which will be connected to something EVEN BIGGER!


The reason I created it mostly was because this book will be COMING TO AN END :((((

The way this book will end there is a way I can make a SEQUEL but it won't be about Millie and Finn!!!!! (Although it low-key will be)

anyway sorry this was so long lmaoo


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