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I groan at that stupid beeping noise. I look down to see a beautiful peaceful sleeping woman pushed against my chest

I move away quietly as for I didn't want to wake her at 4:30 in the morning

I walk into the bathroom washing my face and putting on a random black T-shirt and some blue jeans

I grab a pen and a peice of paper writing down a few words for Millie

             Off to LA, miss you already!
             Text me so I know your ok
             Left you one of my credit cards.
              Love you Mills

I grab my suitcase and give her kiss on her forehead before leaving. Jeez, I'm gonna miss her


"Hi!" A feminine voice says. I turn my head from the trance I was stuck in from looking outside the window of the plane getting ready to really leave for a week

"Uh, I'll be sitting on the plane with you"

"Oh, uh, okay. I'm Finn"

"Iris" the blonde says sitting down in the seat next to me


I wake up around 6:50 only to see Finn wasn't around by me

I frown. I get up to see a note left by Finn, I quickly read it and take my phone off the charger so I can text him. As I opened my text messaging app, I realized how I wanted to actually see him. And with that, I face timed him

It took a couple of rings but he finally picked up

"Hey Mills" he said laughing, but I didn't say anything funny

I hear a giggle along with "you are one funny man Finn"

"Thanks, uh, good morning Millie"

"Morning, uh, who is that?"

"Iris. She's keeping me company on the plane" he says facing the phone on Iris

"Stop Finny! I look like crap!" She says/whines

"No you dont! You look fine" he says getting a bit quieter

I clear my throat

Did he forget I was here? How could he say something like that when I was right THERE??

I hang up not really wanting to see any of this. My stomach tightens as I think of Iris. The pretty blonde an-

I was gonna continue my thoughts until I got a text from Finn

Why'd you hang up?

Bad connection

I lie. He stops texting for a while before finally he texts

Plane just landed, talk later?

Yeah. Have fun Finn💞 just not too much fun..

Of course not! Love you❤️

Love you too
Read 7:07

I sigh as I realized I now have nothing to do.

I decide to just hop into the shower


The plane was landing as Iris asked me a question

"Where you heading?"

"A band. Calpurnia"

"Oh my gosh are you serious?! My brother is in that band, his name is Malcolm"

"Really? Is that where you're going?"

"Berry Bin?" (I don't even know. Also it's the location which has like all the trailers they'll be staying at and stuff and be practicing. That fun stuff)

"Yeah Berry Bin"

"Mmhm. Maybe we can take the taxi together? Save time" she says getting up to get her luggage

"Yeah okay" I say following her


We get into the taxi and she sits next to me, "this'll be fun" she says looking outside

"I can't believe this is LA!"

"Right it's so pretty" she says looking out her window

We both turn around at the same. She leans in a bit and so do I before she kisses me, I didn't move, but with no hesitation, I kiss back..

~~ Millie

I walk into the room combing my wet hair as I hear my phone ringing

Jaedenl123 is requesting to video call you
{Accept} | Decline

I accept the Instagram call.


"Hey Mill, uh, I was calling to see if maybe you wanted to hang out"

"Why didn't you just call me from my number? And how did you find my very private Instagram?"

I ask putting him on speaker so I can get dressed

"I didn't have your number... And your favorite animal is a turtle, and your name is Millie. So I figured your username was turtle.millieb"

I chuckle, "yes Jaeden, I would like to hang out today"

"Cool, park in 25?" He asks

"Yes! See you in 25!"


Double update!!!! God, I love being active ❤️❤️❤️ also sadly this book has less than 10 chapters left :( But I'll make it count❤️ NOW,,, anyway,,,

Finn.....Finn Finn Finn.....🤦🏻‍♀️🤦‍♀️


What else will happen between Iris and Finn?

Will Finn tell Millie?

What will happen to Millie?

Vote for the next chapter to find out!💓

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