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I wake up from my loud alarm clock and sigh remembering the things that happened yesterday

I wasn't feeling school and I went back to the old Millie. The Millie who never talked, ate lunch alone, had no friends, hated herself, and it was all surprisingly and sadly because of Finn

I don't where this all went wrong. I love Finn so much. The day I went to his house and we played and talked made me feel so happy. And now I lost everything.

I wash my face and throw on my oversized black hoodie. I leave my short brown curly hair down hoping it would block my face

I look at my fresh cuts. It's been weeks since I cut before yesterday and I was so disappointed in myself, but I needed to control some thoughts.

I hop onto my bike and make my way to school.

~~Class before lunch~~ Finn

Ms. Winona was back and she was yapping about cells but I couldn't focus. Millie was sitting right next to me and all I could do stare at her.

I can't believe I hurt her. Millie was amazing, she didn't involve herself in drama (this is true) and she was so nice

Guilt rose over me as I remembered all the awful stuff I said to her. I didn't mean any of it. I couldn't.

"Today, We'll be starting a 2 paged essay on cells. You will need a partner, so find one now" as soon as she said 'partner' everyone already had one. I turned to face Millie hoping she would be my partner but Nina came up to me, "do you wanna be my partner Finn?" she said flirtasiouly, blinking her fake eyelashes incredibly fast.

"uh n-" I was about to continue but I catch Millie in the corner of my eye. The boy that sits behind us, Jacob, asked to be partners with her. And she said yes

"you know what Nina, I would love to be your partner" I lie

"All partners are not final until tomorrow." Ms. Winona says as the bell rings

"Wanna come to my house?" Nina asks I nod 'no' knowing her annoying little clique is gonna be there and point to me letting her know to come to my house

She runs out of the classroom probably to tell the whole school that we're partners. It was Ms. Winona's lunch break as well as ours so she left, leaving only me and Millie.

"Millie im so sorry." I start but she ignores me. "Millie listen to me. I was a jerk, and I was just upset." but she stills ignores. She grabs her bookbag and slings it around her shoulder and makes her way to the door.

I grab her wrist and she winces but I dont let go. Instead I slowly raise her hoodie sleeve and what I saw made my heart fall down to my stomach. I feel my eyes get misty and I wanna throw up. I made her do this. I put her in so much pain that she had to cut. I couldnt think straight and I just wanted to scream at her, "dont ever cut" but I couldnt get any words out

She grabs her wrist and puts the hoodie sleeve back over her wrist. By now tears are coming out of my eyes. "Im sorry Finn"she says quickly covering up her cuts and running away

My knees feel weak but I wobbily manage to make it to the lunch room. I say nothing and I can tell I made my friends worried. Millie was nowhere to be seen in the lunch room and that made me feel worse. I made the only person I love, cut. 

Millie~~ After school

I knocked on Jacobs door hoping he wouldnt answer.  I dont know why he would chose to be my partner. I didnt wanna face anyone right now. Espeically Finn. 

Jacob answers the door and flashes me a smile. I kinda give him one back and leads me inside. His room was ginormous and you could tell he was spoiled

"So what kinda cells are you in too?'' he asks sitting a bit too close to me and I grew uncomfortable

''a eukaryotic cell'' 

He gasps probably from my knowledge

''I didnt think you- like knew- no thats not what I meant, uh" He stutters

Me being the quiet resolved into me being the stupid kid. I simply just nod. Then, he places his hand on my thigh and I quickly get up. "Do you mind if we just work downstairs?" I say. "No problem" He says getting up

When we're downstairs we sit down on the floor in the living room. He turns on the T.V and puts on a cell documentary. About 30 minutes later into the documentary, he starts kissing me. "Jacob- n-no!" I say breaking off the kiss. He didnt kiss me like Finn did. And he wasnt Finn. He pushes me down so im laying on my back and starts kissing me again


I got on my old bike and raced to Jacobs house. I ditched Nina and I knew she was gonna be mad but I had to apoligize to Millie. I had to talk to her

I finally get there and bang on his door, there was no answer, but I heard someone yell a little and squirm. That someone was Millie. The door wasnt locked, and never was, because me and Jacob used to be friends, so I opened it. And there was Jacob aggresively kissing Millie

His lips on hers made my blood boil and I wasnt going to stand and watch. I ran over to Jacob who was gripping her down, pulled him off and punched him in the nose. Millie got up and ran out of the house. Jacob got up and pushed me but I didnt budge and pushed him onto the floor

I remember Millie and run out but shes long gone. Long gone.


This was so shit but the comments on my last chapter made me so happy so I just had to update again. The next chapter will be soooooo much better, TRUST ME

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