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"Aren't you happy to see me?" I say trying to smile and reassure that it's just shock

"Well, I see you all over Instagram but never see you in real life. So seeing you there was just as great as seeing you in person"

I don't even have Instagram?

"But now we can actually talk" I say going behind the counter with him

"About what? Your new relationship, your new wardrobe. Your new self"

"I'm not that different" I say. It was just a new hairstyle and new wardrobe... It's not like I'm completely new? Right?

"Really? Cause the old Millie would've put anything down to see me a couple weeks ago. It's my 4th week working on the job, and you haven't came once"

I stare at the floor

He was right.... "I'm sorry"

Jaeden scoffs and turns around to go work in the back. Jaeden was always so nice and sweet. And yeah I deserved it but it would've been nice if he could've been happy to see me

I sigh and get to work. Maybe I was different?


"It's been a long day..." I say plopping down next to Finn. "My best friend hates me"

"His loss" he says kissing my cheek before going back to his video game. Fork knife?

"But I deserved it" I say

I had just came from my *old house with my clothes and stuff after work. I felt kind of weird because i grew up there, but releived to leave such an awful place

He throws his game controller across the bed "Millie, your an amazing girl. You do not deserve this. If he wants to be mad let him, he'll get over it soon. Or if you want make it up to him"

I nod. I was so greatful of Finn..

"Anyway, want a tour?"

I nod and get up. He interwines our fingers as he starts the tour


"This here is the extinct room of my parents"


"They haven't seen me in months. Not surprising though. All they care for is money"

"I mean they have to. How else will they provide for there amazing son?"

He smiles. "Finn, I want contacts" I blurt out. Ive been thinking about them for a while and I just really want them. I want to feel prettier

"Uh, okay. Let's go" he says with no hesitation


"Blue? I've always loved blue eyes"

"I was kinda hoping you'd get brown..."

"Oh. Why?" I ask. I mean, ive lived with brown my whole life. Wouldn't he want me to be prettier?

"I love your big chocolate eyes. Its one of your many gorgeous features"

I blush and take the brown contacts of the rack. "Thank you" I say facing him again. He brings his lips up to my forehead and lightly kisses it. "Youre welcome"


I walk out of the store feeling new and prettier. I liked the feeling

Maybe me being a new person wasnt such a bad thing after all


I know this is SO short but happiness wont be in this book for a little while longer so i should embrace it while i still can...

Next chapter will be kind of sad at the END. But maybe not if I change it a bit


Saving Her ~Fillie~Where stories live. Discover now