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"Okay, to the both of you, you need to calm down, things aren't that bad. Jamie, (disillusioned) come on honey I'm White, so that makes you White."

"Aren't that bad! Dad, Johnnie has a reputation for picking on Black kids. Now, what do you think is going to happen to him if those kids find out?"

"Nothing, right Dad because no one is going to know because we are going to keep things just as they are."

"Sure son, no one is going to know," Scott said as

Jamie throw her hands up in the air, shook her head and walked

away to her bedroom, because she couldn't believe they were

going to keep up the lie.

Monday morning Johnnie rushed to school so he can register for

the president of the student council.

Meanwhile, Scott goes to see Janice find out why she told

Jamie about their race, without talking to him first.

"Janice, what have you done?" Scott asked.

"Well Scott, did you know Jamie met Johnny's twin brother yesterday? That means Bernice is here in this neighborhood."

"What? How do you know?"

"Jamie met a Black guy who looks just like Johnnie, so she said."

"Oh, you are just assuming you really don't know."

"Okay Scott, would you know your son if you saw him, Scott, go to the school and be there at three when school lets out. Then see if you do not see your son, Now Scott, I know your heart, and I know who leads it, I trust you will do the right thing and tell Bernice everything."

"Janice, tell her what? That her son Johnny doesn't want to be Black."

"Scott, that is something you did, with your fear of what people are going to think, now, right is right, and he is just a child, so teach your child there is nothing wrong with who he is!"

"Well, I don't think I can do that with everything that is going on today, and he thinks he's grown."

"Scott, you did this and you are going to have to fix it!"

Meanwhile back at the schools' in the principals' office,

Johnny was signing up to become a candidate to run for president

of the student council. Johnnie's heart nearly jumped out of him, his

heart began to race, knees began to shake when Ronnie s stood

beside him, looking for the basketball registry. Regardless of how

Johnny's Dad taught him, how people are people no matter

what color they are. Johnnie still mistreated as many Blacks as he

could, however, no matter how he treated some of the Black kids

that would be a joke, compared to the way they will treat him if

they found out he is Black also.

"Now it's my chance," Ronnie said hoping to make Johnny's life at school a living hell.

"Yo! You artificial nigger."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Isn't that what you are a Black man trying to be a White man?" Ronnie asked as Johnnie looked around hoping no one heard that.

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