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Although in Johnnie's eyes, Ronnie maybe a new student, however, Ronnie has accumulated enough friends with his overwhelming aptitude performance at this school, and has amplify his chances for such a task as becoming the next student council president would be unattainable, nevertheless, Ronnie was very selective about choosing his friends, and he thinks all he has to do is be on the basket ball team, and this will make his life at school attainable for what ever he wants.

"Okay Ronnie, Just wait a minute, I brought you some new clothes to wear to school," Bernice said while going to the trunk of the car. When Bernice steps out of the car, the wind blew her hair slightly, Scott's heart skipped a beat, her long beautiful legs engaged a passionate affection that had not been awakened in a long time, her sophisticated to the back of her car, set fire to a sexual lust of obsession, however Scott had to contain his self, and come back to a realistic state of mind, because his romantic fanciful fulfillment was not getting him a reconciliation.

"I was going to wait until you get home but I thought you might need them after the basketball try-outs, you may get sweaty, and I know you don't want to go to a student council meeting all sweaty."

"Thanks, Mom," Ronnie said as he ran to the gym. Excitement and fear rush through Ronnie's heart like his vitals were on a race track; his heart was pumping fast, as he entered the gymnasium.

"Hello, and for some of you who don't know me? I'm Coach Robertson, however, it is now four o'clock, now could someone please lock the doors, because of all those who wish to join the

basketball team is already here and the ones that are late should have other plans."

As Coach Robertson explains the rules of being on the team.

Ronnie and Tim both jumped up to lock the doors.

"Look, spook, you can not join because you won't be able to hang."

"I can hang better than you, and this I know by just looking at you," Ronnie said.

"Looks can be deceiving," Tim smirked.

"Not in your case fat boy," Ronnie replied.

"This all muscle, my man all muscle."

"Okay you two," The Coach yelled. " I know there is nothing going on, right, I know right?"

"Right," Both boys yelled back at the same time.

"So let's get started," The Coach command.

"Coach, let me in," cried a student, outside of the gymnasium, who was late getting to practice.

"Sorry, no late entries."

"But Coach, I had to stay after class, to finish a report."

"I know you had other plans."

"But Coach!"

"Once again, no late entries," The Coach turned and yelled, "well, what are you guys waiting for start running, give me four laps around the court."

Coach Robertson ran with the boys blowing his whistle to nudge

the boys on.

"Okay, you can stop now. What I want you to do is grab a ball and run shooting the ball in the basket as you run by the hoop. Come on keep up," The Coach yelled, "now jump, and shoot the ball in the basket, come on, you have got three more laps to go, now hurtle, Tommy jump, come on now. Tim show them how to do it.

Tim jumped and missed the basket. "Ronnie you show them how it's done."

Ronnie jumped and slammed the ball into the basket.

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