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Johnnie smoldered as he walked away; suppressing his anger as

the reality of his situation has finally sat in, he was terrified of the

outcome, needless to say, Johnnie was ready to face the

consequences of his actions. But first, someone need to face their's,

Johnnie went home to have a talk with his Dad.

The trees were almost bare the night looked frightening, the

skies were a purple-blue and the stars seems to be out of sight


"Who is it?" Scott yelled because he was woken up

from a deep sleep, not aware of who was at the door this time of

night, Scott opens the without a second thought. It was his son


"Hi Son, I thought you were staying at your mother's tonight."

"She is not my mother DAD!"

"She is the only mother...who told you?

"Dad, why didn't you tell me I had a twin brother? How can you

be so callous? We are your children."

"Johnnie, its because you are my children I did it, now the only one should be anger is Ronnie, since I'm the one who left him behind. I don't condone what I did, or the way I did it, but it had to be done in order for you to have a better life."

"What about my brother, a brother I should have been told about."

Scott had a look of surprise on his face; he was lost for words,

And not only is Bernice is going to be angry but his two sons as

well, he had to brace his self for the worst.

"Where are you going? We aren't finished talking."

"Dad, what is there to talk about, more lies, really I can't do this right now, I'm too angry."

"Please Son, just let me explain."

Johnnie leaned against the stairs and with his eyes closed he smolder his anger. "Please Dad, not now," Johnnie replied then went to bed.

Wednesday morning, Bernice's intuition had her to believe she got away with Ronnie not recognizing her at the party last Friday night, so she felt it would be alright to go see Scott, which means she will only have one battle to face.

She picked out a sexy dress, yet not so revealing and started walking towards Scott's house. However, she rambled the entire walk.

"Okay, what am I going to say-you dirty dog...No I can't say anything that would make him upset...Why the that's not going to work neither," Bernice rambled right up to Scott's door, and as she knocked her heart began to pound.

"Who is it?" Scott called.

"It's me Scott, Bernice," Bernice's heart skipped a beat.

Scott stopped in his tracks, stung and could not move, his first thought was to go upstairs and pretend he did not hear Bernice, however, he knew that would not work. Scott tip-toe towards the door, and commented.

"While you are standing outside? I need to know are you here to start trouble?"

"No Scott. I just want to talk. But I can leave and go home and call child-services."

"I Didn't steal Johnnie, you gave him to me."

"Scott, I am not going to stand out here and... forget it," Bernice said as she started walking away.

The door opened and Scott stood in the doorway while wearing a housecoat.

"What you don't work?"

"Yeah, I am having problems, so I took off today."

"Why aren't you at work," Scott said in a scrunching voice.

"I work third shift. Are we going to talk out here or are you going to let me in?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, come on in."

While Scott and Bernice were anticipating what they were

going to do next, Scott's children were having their own conversation

about how they were going to include Ronnie in all

their family gatherings.

"Now that everybody knows who everyone is, I think we should have family outings together."

"Sammie, why do you want to push this family with that family, if they want to come around then that's okay, but don't try and make something that's not there."

"Johnnie, that is your family, what are you talking about making them do something they don't want to do?"

"Jamie, just leave it alone, okay, just leave it alone," Johnnie said as he walked away. Both girls stood there unaware of what Johnnie or Ronnie was feeling.

Coming down the hall, Johnnie notices, Rose picking on Billy and paid it no attention.

"B.C.," Rose said as she knocked Billy books out of his hand. Billy bends down to pick up his book.

"Come on Rose, I'm late for class."

"Well, if it isn't the infamous Rose, who everybody knows, yet everybody hates."

"What do you want Tim," Rose replied while shoving Billy.

"Hey, I was just trying to catch up with Johnnie, Did you see him come this way?" Tim asked which gave Billy a chance to run away.

"Yeah, he just passed me minding his own business, and you should have done the same."

"Well, you know me, I'm going to always interfere, especially when somebody like you messing with a classmate of mine."

"Tim, you have got to be kidding me right now, the way you harassed the Black kids, I'm just returning the favor."

"Well, your fun just ended," Tim laughed, and walked away.

Rose turned around and Billy was gone, she stumped her feet, then she walked away.

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